Steelhead flies

Articulated Intruders for the Swingers


Mini Intruders


Some of my best nymphs




Mosh Posh of some of the best

great looking flies as always defranks!

Started hitting the vise this week and need to get some more nymphs done.

Love that articulated hex (assuming that's what it is)
Did you use ostrich for the gills? I don't know why more patterns don't use it for that reason, it really resembles gills very well.
I tye a simple bead caddis Larva with stretch tubing with wire run though its core. And a peacock collar. With a black or white brad head. It cool because you can use different tubing and wire colors. This with a tungsten head and a couple of turns of leads kent a great anchor fly.
Nice to see you on the cold water side, Paco. jk
Nice flies as always Mark.
sandfly what kind of hair is that i tie something similar with finnish raccoon and it kills the steelhead but i dont tie the white down as tight but i do tie it back a little from the eye
defrank sweet flies i still never got to it up those wiggle hex's yet..... imma procrastinator
Yup, thats my wiggle hex and it is ostrich herl...Good eye!
Hey Pro, I still fish for trout and steelhead. I just try not to let no one know. HA!
Really nice looking flies you've tied there Defrank , really nice.
I will be at International Angler Saturday, September 28 from 10am - 4pm.

The venue is free to all and are welcome to bring your vice to join me as I tie some of my most popular Steelhead Flies.

I will also demo some new Hareline products due to hit the shelves in about a week.
I was turned onto the Blue Steel Caddis by a buddy of mine who guides for Mark. Its unbelievable how effective that pattern is and its pretty simple to tie. Props to Mark for offering some of the best tutorials Ive found on the web.
might be a stupid question but I am assuming that the emerald shiner is me a pattern that has a white belly and olive back?

thanks marc
The emerald shiner is an actual bait fish in the great lakes. It's one of the main things the steelhead feed on while in the lake.
And, it does have a white belly and green-olive back, but the color is somewhat iridescent above the lateral line, so flashy colors mixed into the dark layer of hair are a bonus. Many emeralds appear all white, the back coloring being somewhat muted on a lot of specimens.

I would say, tie a two-tone streamer, with dark over light, but stay bright on the dark part and even consider adding some sparse falshy material between the layers or embedded in the darker top portion. Keep the dark portion to less than half the bulk. Size 10 is big enough, but you could go bigger in murky water or in the surf.
crystal minnow is a great steelhead fly i tweak mine a bit add a lil rainbow kf and tie the white part of the body down so far back
i also use fin raccoon gaurd hairs olive and white they both have somewhat of a translucent effect in the water
My newest nymph pattern the "Dragoon" in the blue and red color scheme.

Needs more black sponge. Wait....steelhead flies...not salmon. Nevermind.
Watch the rules and regulations on weight and leader length can cost you a hundred bucks and a spoiled trip.Gotta love NY they make a pile of money on us.Not that some don't deserve it(Snaggers stay home)
Here's my boxes. Clear boxes have the same amount of flies on the other side in different colors. Estimating over 800 flies there. I should be ready...

J here you go 15 pages back, BUMP