Steelhead flies

no. seriously. i think you were in damage control mode. he stopped in. he's working as grounds keeper in a golf course.
gfen wrote:
no. seriously. i think you were in damage control mode. he stopped in. he's working as grounds keeper in a golf course.

Ya I caught the update. Just saying it possible that this wild card could be anywhere v
Leteras wrote:
Johnny Utah you are the spammer. You post a pic of a snagged fish and call it the infamous pink worm. Garbage tier.

The Infamous pink worm is fly pattern developed by Fred Bridges aka Fred of york. Its a know fly pattern. Well known by many but you. You continually make foolish statements. Your under the impression that i gave the infamous name.

Perhaps some others would like to inform you of this as well.
I can confirm the IPW was originated by Fred Bridge (no "s") He is a friend of mine.

End this nonsense or we will.