Steelhead flies

What kind of hooks are those in them fly pics?
I need a tetanus vaccination after looking at them.

What type of coating is that?
You need any more evidence than that, JDaddy?
I use tiemco 2457's for the flies in size #12 or #14 The diameter of jelly rope is your preference. The smaller you go the smaller the ribbed effect. I like to use something a littler larger for these. Remeber jelly rope stretches so you can taper the body easily. More tension at the bend less tension as you near the bead.
The hooks you tied these on are not tiemco. They look more like allen hooks. The finish is all wrong, and the barbs are inconstant and the bend of the hook is not a tiemco bend. Allen fly hook all the way.
I think he ties those on Eagle Claws.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
The hooks you tied these on are not tiemco. They look more like allen hooks. The finish is all wrong, and the barbs are inconstant and the bend of the hook is not a tiemco bend. Allen fly hook all the way.

Yeah. I didn't think those hooks were quality TMC hooks in them pics myself.

Wish he would tell us exactly what brand they are because the quality control looks like $0.1 hooks.

You guys are really rough on the new guys. This is why I have only lurked, I am afraid to post anything. JohhnyUtah, your ties are superb, but I think you need to lay off of Leteras. He is here to help everybody.
Johnny Utah I would put those hooks up against anything you have. They will not break and beat anything you have hands down. Those are manufactured by tiemco they come from the same plant in japan.
Leteras wrote:
Johnny Utah I would put those hooks up against anything you have. They will not break and beat anything you have hands down. Those are manufactured by tiemco they come from the same plant in japan.

Do not sweat him Leteras just think of this quote:

I was gonna bring my nunchucks, but I didn't think she'd know what they were.

Same thing apply here wangchung
Leteras wrote:
Johnny Utah I would put those hooks up against anything you have. They will not break and beat anything you have hands down. Those are manufactured by tiemco they come from the same plant in japan.

Childish again, My dad can kick your dads butt etc... Your not using a name brand tiemco 2457 is my point. Your using tiemco seconds. Ones that tiemco quality control discarded because they did not meet the tiemco quality standard. While you still have tiemco steel, the hooks are still flawed.

Will they still work fine? Of coarse. Would i trust the fish of life time on one....hell no!

Plus dont you know daiichi is the king of chrome.

These are not seconds. Each hook company sells so many under their prospective names and the rest under whatever. These hooks will not break. You couldn't even bend one. Like I said if you won't put one of your junk mustads up against it then drop the issue. You just like to argue on every thread so you can maybe sell something. Anyways back to the topic of hooks. Tiemco is far superior to mustad in my opinon and they have a variety of styles to choose from.
You guys are hard on each other.....It's obivious that you want the best hook for the money. After all the 1000 dollar set up in you're hand the only thing that seperates you from the fish is that HOOK.
Instead of you guys arguing, rank the hooks from best to worst...
Tell the rest of us how much you tie,and how much time you spend on the water,and what works best..I'am not the greatest but I know the sharper the hook the less fish you miss...
I prefer mustads, they are not as brittle as the others..I have broke more points on tiemcos than any other. They might be strong but that makes em brittle too. I use mustads and do not mind putting a sharp point on them..
Leteras wrote:
These are not seconds. Each hook company sells so many under their prospective names and the rest under whatever. These hooks will not break. You couldn't even bend one. Like I said if you won't put one of your junk mustads up against it then drop the issue. You just like to argue on every thread so you can maybe sell something. Anyways back to the topic of hooks. Tiemco is far superior to mustad in my opinon and they have a variety of styles to choose from.

You sir started the mustad, tiemco debate with me. You say my junk mustads as if i am the mustad spokesman or promoter. Sorry i think Daiichi is the best. Your opinion is one sided and its all tiemco. Once again more of your childish b.s. banter, "mine are the best" "mine is better". Im glad your finally starting to realize these are merley your opinion

I do not attempt to sell anything, I believe your the one who shows us flies you tied and so happen to sell. Your avatar is your company banner. Why dont you stop being a spammer and become a site sponsor.

I find it humorous how you do what you say others are doing. lmao You should read your post, all you do is argue with people.

Ever since i simply asked you if you were kicked off the fly tying forum for spamming, you have done nothing but make a point to argue and attack me. I compliment you on your flies, you call mine #OOPS#. You singled me out of everyone on the hook thread. I gave my opinion on the hooks i have experience with, just as everyone else did. There were others that said mustad. You did a similar thing on my fly video posts. So how about you just leave me alone.


I think we're setting ourselves up for a pcray materials science post, but it was always my layman's concept that "chemically sharpened" relied on a more brittle steel, which in turn means more breaking and less bending.

I've packed that up by listening to barbs snap when pressed with pliers versus them just sort of collapsing into humps on classic Mustads. No doubt that has something with the increased barb size of the classics, as well.

Gfen there is no doubt that chemically sharpened steel becomes more brittle. I to have listened to many snapped barbs on them.

With super sharp points on hook, the metal is very thin, thus it is brittle. I know plenty of fly fisherman have hook hones on them because of this.
No we have hook files because we undertand that the supey dupey point is no longer supey dupey pointy upon contact with nearly anythign it finds contact with 30 seconds after being tied on and whipped around.


Leterass was booted from fly tying forum and fisherie for spamming

and yes
daiichis are better than tiemcos... but so are partridge and some others
mustad makes a good large hook... especialy the "big gun" series

and yes
I don't belive Leterass ties on tiemcos
but I think the hook itself, is the least of his worries
Hook hones on the stream?
You either flicked your tip off or not.