Steelhead flies

Ahh gfen you disagree seemily but your agreeing and proving my point. I would imagine you know the reason why the hook is not sharp anymore? Because the brittle point breaks off.
Ramcatt wrote:

I don't belive Leterass ties on tiemcos
but I think the hook itself, is the least of his worries

Johnny Utah you are the spammer. You post a pic of a snagged fish and call it the infamous pink worm. Garbage tier.
Anyways back to the flies if anyone needs info just let me know.
you are the spammer...Garbage tier

coming from the same person who has been kicked off multiple forums and had threads deleted on this forum for posting SPAM
(funny you keep avoiding that fact)

"Garbage" - from the same person who continually posts the same poorly tied pattern

Ramcatt are you aloud to harass people on here? I thought it was against the rules?
If you feel the need to keep harassing me on here I will report you to the moderators. End of story

i merely quoted your posts...

but good job avoiding, once again
how many places have you been booted for spam?
how many threads of yours have been deleted for spam?

And yes, according to the mod, the only thing I'm not allowed to do is misquote your name

I accused one of the moderators buddies on the fish usa forum of stealing Mark Defranks electric sucker spawns and trying to pass it off as his own. Which he did. It was no loss though that forum sucks.
DKile said enough-we might all be out in the snow.
Yeah, buddy. I wanted to remain out of the monkey knife fights that seem to populate this forum lately, but yeah..I laughed.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
check out my amazing skillz w/ MS Paint

We had a SOLID paint thread about a year ago. Where the hell is Jake? Until last weekend he was one of the drunkest adults I had ever seen.
The sad thing is, that picture really is a commentary on this forum the past few weeks. Its like we're being forced to watch a terrible movie, but we really enjoy it just for the sake of heckling the whole damn mess.