Stay at Home order extended to 19 counties in PA

This is a tough topic and one that has personally affected me for over a month. I was trying not to comment because I have strong opinions on this one and really dont want to argue.

With that being said, nobody can force you to go to work, and for most retail jobs that are considered essential you would most likely earn the same from unemployment as you would for working. Because of this, I think the essential workers showing up to work deserve a big thank you, especially the ones who are on the lower end of the pay scale.

To all of the Wal Mart, Home Depot, Gas Station, Liquor Store (in NY), etc. workers thank you for choosing to go to work and allowing everyone to maintain some sort of quality of life in this truly unprecedented time. Hopefully one of the stimulus bills provides you with some extra money, you all deserve it.
moon1284 wrote:
This is a tough topic and one that has personally affected me for over a month. I was trying not to comment because I have strong opinions on this one and really dont want to argue.

With that being said, nobody can force you to go to work, and for most retail jobs that are considered essential you would most likely earn the same from unemployment as you would for working. Because of this, I think the essential workers showing up to work deserve a big thank you, especially the ones who are on the lower end of the pay scale.

To all of the Wal Mart, Home Depot, Gas Station, Liquor Store (in NY), etc. workers thank you for choosing to go to work and allowing everyone to maintain some sort of quality of life in this truly unprecedented time. Hopefully one of the stimulus bills provides you with some extra money, you all deserve it.

^ Very well said.

And appreciation to all the health care workers as well as the first responders all doing their jobs at their own peril for all of us.

Stay safe everyone.
Moon: Yes!

PSUhorty: Did I forget the winky face thing at the end f my last post? My bad. ;-)
When this all started, the precautions we were told to take included social distancing and hand washing.
But wearing masks WASN'T advised. Said that they really wouldn't help much. And we should save all the good masks for health care personnel.

So now the CDC has done an about face. Saying we SHOULD wear them when going out now. ( good luck finding some).

Pretty interesting to say the least........
In our country, when rules are established, no mater it it's a traffic law, a tax law, a close your non-essential business law, there are always those who come right up to the razor edge, and another % that will just flat out break the rules. (Laws).

It happens no matter what. You can provide examples in all cases. It's our society. Doesn't make it just is.
well said steely. rules are lines in the sand. the closer to the line without going over, the more advantage you have.

imagine a football game where the sidelines are 1 foot closer for one team.
Steeltrap: I think that's human nature. Even in totalitarian societies there are boundary pushers and rule breakers. It just happens to be woven in to the fabric of our society: Pilgrims, settlers of the west, etc.

In the case of this pandemic, those who do not follow the rules put not only themselves, but others in harm's way. The irony is if we all comply with the directives it would shorten the time we need to follow them.