Stay at Home order extended to 19 counties in PA

larkmark, could you be more specific. To which businesses do you refer?
SmoothOperator wrote:
wbranch wrote:
I'm not ashamed to say my wife and I shop together. We each get our own shopping cart. She takes half the list and me the other half. We are seniors and I am in a high risk group. I wear gloves. We avoid aisles with more than one other shopper. We spend half the normal time in the supermarket. We checkout together.
I'm not talking about two people being out splitting up the "task" of shopping .....I'm talking about a wife, husband and their 2-5 kids, the kids of course are picking up and touching everything !!!!!! Flip a coin and somebody stays home with the kids.......period......

Grocery stores are specifically asking customers not to do this. I got emails from all three stores I use that asked customers to send one person instead of bringing the whole family. Perhaps store managers (as if they didn't have enough to do) would make that request if they saw a whole gaggle entering their store. i agree that this is a big problem.
larkmark wrote:
I seriously question some of the businesses that are still operating. Still making employees come to work. I totally get the criteria stated in the rules but some of these big plants that have gotten exclusions seem questionable. And suppose a company makes one small item that is essential but has groups of employees mostly working on non essential items. Seems like they are really taking advantage and creating health risks for employees just to fill their greedy pockets.

Some employers might be more concerned what happens to their employees and their families if they lose their jobs rather than profits. Some employers are concerned with the availability of getting employees back when this is over and are actually spending a lot of money to provide a safer place to work. Its a lot easier of they never leave. There are many reasons these essential businesses are trying to keep employing their workers than "just to fill their greedy pockets". Most, if not all, of those employees are grateful for that.
I would hope that any business that is considered critical stays functioning while protecting their employees. If not, the employees can\could do what some Amazon employees and some health care workers do\did. Take it to the press and hold walk-outs.

OTOH, companies in the supply chain of providing medical equipment, defense equipment, food supply, farming supply, etc (I won't even pretend to know all critical industries) need to stay functioning and frankly...."Profitable". "Profit" is not a dirty word.

Profits are needed for re-investment in capital equipment for a business to survive now, and the future.

If a business works to provide critical equipment to these industries and at the same time has employees working on non-critical items I don't see a problem with that. The non-critical equipment\supplies can be sold to keep cash flow coming in and keep the business functioning. That helps the critical part of it.

Florida is “shut down” starting tomorrow. Good thing I have today to get a new dishwasher. Old one died yesterday. Masking up to go to HD and “Shop’. Cluster C19. GG
Businesses use all kinds of strategies to take advantage of every situation including the current one. I'm less concerned that they make a profit and more concerned about the safety of family. When possible (as is the case I am talking about) to work remotely and a business just decides to have all hands on deck just to keep up morale then I see that as a selfish move. ( Meanwhile owners and higher ups are not showing their faces). Yeah some companies are definitely on the right side of this but there certainly will be abuses. Essential personnel to do essential jobs making essential items seems more reasonable. My business is NOT on the essential list and I am biting the bullet. I am not cheating and not asking for exclusions that are not relevant. Sometimes that is what we do as human beings. I am also still meeting my obligations to two employees at this point.
So....nothing specific.

I agree with your point, but there seems to be a bit of vitriol there that I don't understand. I'm not saying it isn't justified, I just want to understand.

My business is medical sales. I have PPE, tests, and over 4 dozen practice enhancement tools to help independent medical practices compete with the goliath health systems.etc. I've worked exclusively from home for the last 2 weeks. Doctors are quickly adopting telehealth as a way to care for their patients. I believe this will be a lasting adaptation after the dust settles. A telehealth visit typically takes 6-7 minutes and does not require waiting room hell. It's better for providers and better for patients.

My wife Works for an agency that administers WIC. She, too, has worked from home the last 2 weeks. Her agency has been evolving rapidly to accommodate the letter and spirit of the law. It's pretty impressive. It should be a benefit to all if a government funded business can run more efficiently.

Having said all that, there will always be evil opportunists who don't hesitate to take advantage to make a buck. I focus on helping, not putting profit first.

Now, I am glad Home Depot is open. I have a raised garden to build!
I am sorry I cannot be more specific. i don't want to risk anyones jobs. My family members boith work at this place. (I encourage them to find a new job) I just think they are being unreasonable.
I am glad you and your wife are on the front lines doing the good work. I really applaud everyone out there . Be safe. i went to grocery store today and there was a nice woman working the register. That's a risky job right now and does not pay well at all. I think we now see that many very important jobs are taken for granted and often low pay.

It seems a lot that was taken for granted including foundational jobs. Shame on us! I hope a silver lining is that we appreciate more.
"Now, I am glad Home Depot is open. I have a raised garden to build!"

This is precisely what is wrong with the pandemic 'control measures' that have been initiated by the Governor... people are still selfish.

I am a manager at a Home Depot. No offense, but go ahead and take offense if you wish, but you are top ten with a bullet the exact customer we despise. I loathe them and lose great respect for them. Customers who come into our store for non-essential items such as that, or paint, or effing flooring are putting US at risk. You don't know if we have a significant other or relative at home who that if they contract the virus, their death certificate may as well be signed.

I go through every day constantly disinfecting and avoiding customers so as to not bring it home with me. It is totally mind-consuming... a constant worry, yet I have to deal with customers coming in for completely non-essential items.

Please re-center your mind and actions regarding this very serious issue.
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Florida is “shut down” starting tomorrow. Good thing I have today to get a new dishwasher. Old one died yesterday. Masking up to go to HD and “Shop’. Cluster C19. GG

GG you are the third person I know that lost a dishwasher this week. WTF?
PSUhorty wrote:
"Now, I am glad Home Depot is open. I have a raised garden to build!"

This is precisely what is wrong with the pandemic 'control measures' that have been initiated by the Governor... people are still selfish.

I am a manager at a Home Depot. No offense, but go ahead and take offense if you wish, but you are top ten with a bullet the exact customer we despise. I loathe them and lose great respect for them. Customers who come into our store for non-essential items such as that, or paint, or effing flooring are putting US at risk. You don't know if we have a significant other or relative at home who that if they contract the virus, their death certificate may as well be signed.

I go through every day constantly disinfecting and avoiding customers so as to not bring it home with me. It is totally mind-consuming... a constant worry, yet I have to deal with customers coming in for completely non-essential items.

Please re-center your mind and actions regarding this very serious issue.
Sounds like Home Depot shouldn't be open at all? What items do you deem "essential" that you're selling?
Perhaps 1% of what is going through the registers. A thermocouple for your water heater, a tarp for your roof if damaged from a tree fall, cleaning and sanitary supplies, sales to contractors who need to do repairs for a customer. Certainly NOT garden soil. Certainly NOT shopping for outdoor furniture. Certainly NOT lumber to do repairs to your deck that you have been putting off. It's pretty cut and dry, if you ask me.

Whether or not HD should be open is obviously not my call.
PSUhorty wrote:
"Now, I am glad Home Depot is open. I have a raised garden to build!"

This is precisely what is wrong with the pandemic 'control measures' that have been initiated by the Governor... people are still selfish.

I am a manager at a Home Depot. No offense, but go ahead and take offense if you wish, but you are top ten with a bullet the exact customer we despise. I loathe them and lose great respect for them. Customers who come into our store for non-essential items such as that, or paint, or effing flooring are putting US at risk. You don't know if we have a significant other or relative at home who that if they contract the virus, their death certificate may as well be signed.

I go through every day constantly disinfecting and avoiding customers so as to not bring it home with me. It is totally mind-consuming... a constant worry, yet I have to deal with customers coming in for completely non-essential items.

Please re-center your mind and actions regarding this very serious issue.

I get and agree with your point. You guys, i assume, because electrical, plumbing issues and the like could be major safety issues for people. I need to do a floor and some walls in my basement. I have all this "free time" and it would be great to get some of that stuff done while I can. I also believe Home Depot employees would like to have jobs. I hope anyone who decides to shop there doesn't expect any one to one assistance. With that said, I am not going to be doing any of that. And you're right, that's not why you're there.

Just be aware that most of the people on here have a sense of humor and things are occasionally meant to be sarcasm.

"Just be aware that most of the people on here have a sense of humor and things are occasionally meant to be sarcasm."

Oh, I get that! Don't let my post total fool. I browse this great forum nearly every single day :)
I can see this from both sides. And I’m not sure what or who’s right, or if anyone is. It’s probably a sliding spectrum of varying shades of gray.

I’ve made up my mind that the only “going out” I’m going to do is once/week to my local grocery store. Typically Fridays after I’m done working (from home). On the way home, I stop and get a takeout pizza from my favorite local place. I’ve talked to the owner, and he appreciates the business, and is doing enough business to keep his kitchen staff on, and some of the waitresses re-deployed assisting with the takeout orders. Again, I’m not sure if this is the “right” thing to do, but I like getting a pizza from him on Friday nights, and I’d like him to still be open when this is done.

The only grocery store near me without a 20 minute drive (and thus burning unnecessary gas, creating the need to go to the gas station more often) is a Super Walmart, so I’ve allowed myself to make other non-essential purchases while there…For instance I bought oil to change the oil in my truck one day, and some other vehicle maintenance supplies. Figure I can get my post-Winter wash/wax/interior details done on nice days. I figure since I’m there anyway, the exposure is already done. Does that make it right to make those extra “non-essential” purchases, I dunno?

I’ve placed a few online orders through Amazon, or other big box retailers, for stuff I’m working on around the house and can’t get at Walmart, none of it “essential” though. Is that a good thing? Helping keep folks in supply warehouses working? Or am I helping spread the disease by supplying the demand for them to be there? I’m not sure. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing that?

There’s a lot of moral layers to this. Being reasonable, and understanding and sympathetic to the viewpoint of others is probably part of the key.
tomgamber wrote:

Just be aware that most of the people on here have a sense of humor and things are occasionally meant to be sarcasm.
. Jeèz, Buddy I'd never of accused you of having a " sense of humor" ????
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Florida is “shut down” starting tomorrow. Good thing I have today to get a new dishwasher. Old one died yesterday. Masking up to go to HD and “Shop’. Cluster C19. GG
I was informed at my delivery point that the state of Florida was turning people that are non-residents with no " official business/ cause to be entering Florida will be turned back at the border......Excudes trucking .....