Stay at Home order extended to 19 counties in PA



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
By Gov. Wolf >
I truly don't understand this..if they are just going to keep slowly expanding this then why not just make it a statewide order? If we all do it at once it may shorten the impact across the state instead of slowly just adding more counties.

Just my opinion, of course.
I had to run out to Exton today (for an approved activity on the Gov's list) and was REALLY surprised at how many other people are out & about. There was line of people waiting at the car wash. The one where guys jump into your car at the end and wipe down your dash and windows with a rag that they've used to wipe down a bunch of other cars. No thanks!
jfigs I agree with you. The sooner they shut things down the better for all. That carwash should be closed. It is not needed. People are so stupid.
larkmark wrote:
jfigs I agree with you. The sooner they shut things down the better for all. That carwash should be closed. It is not needed. People are so stupid.

^ Agreed.

We are all in trouble if people now decide for themselves what rules and laws they choose to follow. Especially now when the laws are for the health of the public and literally can mean life or death for someone.
Singapore and South Korea had no shutdown. They had minimal deaths and minimal transmission. They also had been through this before with SARS-1 and they had excellent containment for individuals that were suspected of being sick, who they might have come into contact with, etc.

South Korea's approach

Singapore's approach

In the US, we've managed to not only not stop the spread of the virus, but we've also cratered our whole economy in the process.

I'm in 100% agreement that our shutdown hasn't worked. But it's not because it was not a statewide shutdown in PA. It's because the scope of what the governor has been ordering is one step behind the stage of where the virus has already spread. And it has not been mandatory, enforcement has been about education and understanding, not stay inside under pain of death and if you get into a group of five or more, you're going to get Tasered..

Unfortunately, because we have not contained using intelligent medical investigations and practices, we're now into the maintain by brute force practice...
We know of guys who are not only collecting unemployment but are also working on construction projects for profit outside their homes. These same a-holes will also gladly be accepting the $1200.00 payment while also saying how they hate socialism.
My question is who do I report them to?
Larkmark, you could try or call the UC Fraud Hotline at 800-692-7469.

They're probably swamped at this point in time bit it's definitely worth a shot.

Leaving work yesterday the Delaware river was a mob scene along with John Heinz wildlife refuge, cars overflowing out of the lot,. amazes me that some people will put catching a fish ahead of personal, family and public health.
kbobb wrote: amazes me that some people will put catching a fish ahead of personal, family and public health.

You lost me on this one, too. It would be pretty easy to fish in most all locations right now without seeing a person....or very few people. So, how would that be jeopardizing anyone?
If you look at Gov Wolf's Stay at Home Order, look here:

Scroll down the list and look under Allowable Activities and Travel There it states:

Engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking or running if they maintain social distancing.

I think FF on a stream where your positioned well apart would qualify.
Haven’t been on the site for awhile. Hope all are ok. Steeltrap - I agree fly fishing SHOULD fit with these other activities. My concern is I now live in a quarantined county (Lancaster). I can be in Dauphin or Lebanon in less than 1/2 hour and all over the middle of the State from there but am I even allowed to drive to those counties for a non-essential reason? I think not. Enjoy it while you can those of you in the “open” counties. Wolf should have just stripped the citizenry of the entire state of their civil liberties all at once rather than doing it piecemeal.
The SAH order says:

Engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking or running if they maintain social distancing

Any travel related to the provision of or access to the above-mentioned individual activities or life-sustaining business activities

So wouldn't travel be allowed to fish somewhere?
I don't know about where others live and if you have been out to the streams, but I've been fishing quite a bit. I pack something to eat and drink and drive straight there and back without stopping.

In eastern Pa. the streams have been mobbed, especially the Keysone Select streams. Any DHALO stream though are busier than I've ever seen this time of year. People are certainly not staying at home.
I don't see where you cannot fish if you must but keep your distance and don't be touching things like railings and benches etc when you are out. Also gas pumps etc. Be aware of what you are doing. I see groups of 5 and even more on these walking trails. Obviously not all from same family. There they are yakking away and laughing while walking withing a foot of each other. This is just stupid. Also have watched several times as carloads of fools (again not family) all get out to fish in groups of 5 or 6. I have no doubt that fishing and other activities when practiced carefully will not be a problem but I can guarantee there will be transmission when people carry on with risky behavior. Morons.
Check the Pa list of life-sustaining businesses. I don't know for certain, but it may provide the clue. See hunting, fishing, trapping.
Recall that if the Tully Keystone Select Area is too crowded, you may still fish the stretch below those two sections since that is also a special reg section in a different program, specifically Stocked Trout Waters Open To Year Around Fishing. That section extends downstream to the mouth.
Troutmeister wrote;

In eastern Pa. the streams have been mobbed, especially the Keysone Select streams. Any DHALO stream though are busier than I've ever seen this time of year. People are certainly not staying at home.

I went to the Tully yesterday and arrived at 10:30. It was mobbed. I've never seen so many spin fishermen in the thirty years I've been fishing there. The Rebers Bridge parking lot was totally full. A few cars were on the shoulder of the road.

I talked to a couple spin guys, from a distance, and they are catching lots of trout. One fellow caught 11 yesterday including 2 - 18". He told me last Sunday he landed 38 and on Monday 21. In my mind since so many people aren't working and the kill waters are now closed until April 18 every guy who would typically fish elsewhere are crowding on the the DHALO waters.
I have a house in Monroe and there is a small strip mall near my house. It has been turned into a parking lot for Martz buses going to New York every day. The people in the township finally went to the mayor and got it stopped. This is the biggest joke I have ever seen. Trump and all of our leaders really stepped on it on this one. Never should have gotten to this point. Should have just shut down the whole country for 6 weeks and taken care of this.
Wasn't it back in November when we first heard of this? And experts have been warning about this for years.