Starting to get a little discouraged

the only fish i caught this year so far was a carp new years day....on spring creek hang in there maybe get some polarized shades amber is what i have they work well for spotting fish but then i assume your goign to get excited and end up spooking the fish i still do
tl;dr the above posts but going off your original post sounds like flows may have changed on you and you haven't adjusted weight accordingly. My first 2 years I was skunked from mid april until June hang in there and add weight until you get hung up then remove a bit and fish. You'll be suprised at what it takes to get down where you are suppose to be as a newbie.
I have been having some tought times too! pcray and the others have given you some good info.
I can also add that the water temp changes quickly when the snow melts and a few degrees can make a big difference in fish activity. One day it could be 51 and the next it could be 48. Spring is comming soon.
Back in the middle of Feb. I fished Spring Creek. It was the first warmer day we had. I fished from 11am to 3pm. I caught 16 browns. The water temp was 46 degrees. I fished the same water the next day between 11am and 230pm and as a result of the snow melt overnight the water temp went down to 42 degrees. I caught only 3. The snow melt and resulting lowering of water temps is a BIG factor. After the trout adjust to a new stable temp they will begin to feed again.
Have you been fishing for a year or fly fishing for a year?

If you've been ffing for a year, I'd say you're probably right about where you should be.

If you only have been fishing for a year, You're waaaaaayyy ahead.

Just slow down and stick with what you already have had success with. Once you get consistent with that method then switch it up. If you want, of course.