Spring Creek



Mar 28, 2009
I have the day off of work on Thursday and plan on fishing some water I have never fished....which is everything really but Valley and the LL. I want to go give Spring Creek a few hours and just had an access question.

I understand that the Fisherman's Paradise section is off limits to wading. When I look on Google Maps I see there is the Spring Creek Canyon Trail heading south for the hatchery and the Fisherman's Paradise section. I was also wondering if there was any trails the headed north above the hatchery, or to go upstream if I had to find a different access point.

My goal is to fish Spring Creek in the morning and after lunch head to Blair Country to explore some smaller streams before driving the three and a half hours home.
Only part of Fisherman's Paradise is off limits to wading. There's a gated dirt road along the left side of the stream. Once you get past the mowed lawn you can wade. There are signs. The wadeable section is probably 1/2 mile long.

This road goes the whole way up through the canyon to the Benner Spring Research Station (hatchery). The BSRS area can also be reached from the Shiloh Road Exit #76 of I-99. The exit for Fisherman's Paradise is Exit #78B (Route 150 North Bellefonte).
North of the paradise there are paved roads along or near Spring Creek most of the way to Milesburg. Some sections are posted. The next access up stream from Shiloh Road is Rock Road.