Some Tying Questions to Get Me Started ...

Stagger_Lee wrote:
Also ... How much lead wire and what sizes for the basic flies?

The spool of lead we picked up was .015. Just get it over with and buy .010, .020, .025, .030, and .035.

Stick with real lead - the lead free stuff is harder to work with.

Usually, a recipe specifies what size lead wire to use, but if not, a good rule of thumb is to match the lead wire with the hook wire thickness. No need to get crazy with this - just eyeball it.

As far as thread goes - you'll develop a preference as to what brand you like. They all have their own characteristics. You can flatten some better than others by counter spinning the bobbin when you want that effect (neater, less bulky heads), or spin it into a "rope" to better bind some materials to the hook.

Everyone has their own preference on this. FWIW, I'm a Danville Flymaster (6/0) fan for most trout flies. For the tiny stuff, I prefer Gordon Griffith Sheer 14/0. Typically pre-waxed. Look for the 200 yd spools in whatever you buy (if available). Uni is notorius for selling both 50yd and 200 yd spools, and there's usually not a huge difference in price. Uni has the best colors, IMO, but I'm not a huge fan of their thread.

YMMV, and it should.
Don't spend $$ on a threader. Take a piece of mono 8" long. Fold it in half and bite the bend so it's a point. Put the 2 tag ends against the side of a 1/4" dowel, near the end and use your tying thread to lash over the mono. do 3 or 4 half hitches and coat the lashing with head cement. Done.

Sorry to repeat. I just saw the same idea posted before my description. At least i wasn't the only cheap one in this bunch.
KeithS wrote:
At least i wasn't the only cheap one in this bunch.
Hey, I resemble that ;-)
tiemco hooks are expensive. I have yet to try allen so cant say much about them but if you have a TCO near. I just pick up some of hooks that they sell and I really like them. my total cost was going to be like 43 bucks and the guy working asked if I wanted to save some money and told me to pick them out. price went down to 35 something.

threading suck but it gets easier. check out youtube for some tying videos.
I suck the thread through but first I rub the end of the thread into a little ball and place the little ball at the end of the tube. It doesn't even have to be in the tube just at the end. suck and it goes right through, sometimes into the back of your throat. The ball greatly increases the effectiveness of the suck since less air is escaping around the thread. Try it and you will laugh at bobbin threaders.
^^I'm laughing at the wording of that post.^^ Not the info you're trying to convey, but how it's stated.
It's gotta be mid-winter and WAAAYYY too cold to fish. We're ALL going nuts, or thread balls.
^^I'm laughing at the wording of that post.^^ Not the info you're trying to convey, but how it's stated.

Lol....I knew somebody wouldn't be able to hold their tongue. :lol:
And it had to be me, I tried, I really did. I might be 50 but there's still some kid in there. :p
Lol....Jack that's what make you a blast to be around.
Good Evening Gents! Nice relaxing night tonight .. :pint:


So I tied a few on Wed and this PM still more to go and I may get out for a few this weekend and have the fish be the ultimate judges ..… a few on Wed came out a lil ‘plump’ (heavy on dubing) in the middle but I think that was getting used to the bead. I figured out how to thread it thinner B4 I wrap and the last few have come out like the photo below. I think they are coming out ok but like to know what you guys think?

Also what fly should I move onto next?

Also, also on this one below .. if u look closely I finish it with a cross wrap of thread on dubbing … does it mat it down to much or am I good?

Stag, you are just falling right into it aren't you? :p Good tying to you.
That fly is fine, you're good my man. Although with the thread wrapped like that in the middle it might get torn off in short order.
l2 .. it is kinda relaxing. A drink, some good tunes and tying ..

One more thing .. as I wrap the thread it snaps once in awhile .. biggie?
You're putting to much pressure on the thread as you wrap it sounds like. As far as how you tied off is there any particular reason for doing that? personally I'd do the finishing wraps just behind the bead or without a bead at the head of the fly just behind the eye.
As far as the next fly to tie, you look like you have the nack for this style fly. Perhaps you could move to a scud, with the addition of a wire rib and a strip of plastic, or nymph skin or the like you're ready to tie a scud style pattern.
Thanx l2, just finished another one looser and was better … only snapped once. Per tied off, I finished the first one up front and not sure why I’ve been going behind. U just reminded and will go back to that. Do u finish all nymphs up front?
I don't even know how you could have done that. Is that the thread at the rear of the hook? Where are you tying off?
Overall you are on the right track. You should start your dubbing at the rear of the hook and dub your way up to the bead. Tie off right behind the bead. There are times when you need to double back over something, but a simple pattern like this should be one straight shot from the bend to the bead.
There are some patterns where you end up at the back of the fly but not too many, but then again there could be some I don't know of. Yes, you normally finish the fly off at the front.
Sent you a pm Stag.