Site Update and Changes

Two things I noticed Dave....

One being the spacing in the 'User Menu' and 'Main Menu'. Looks like it might need line breaks? See attached photo.

The second has to do with read thread notifications. When exiting your PM mail box back into the forum all sub-forums appear to have no new posts. But if you navigate into a post, then back to the forum root directory everything appears as normal. Not a major deal but I noticed it and thought I'd notice.

Running OS X 10.6.6 on Chrome 10.0.648.

Also, can you make it so we can upload PNG files?


  • error.jpg
    138.3 KB · Views: 10
Ah ha! Noticed this last night but forgot about it but it happened with the last post I made so I thought I would share.

I think the magic conditions are such that you need to reply and it has to start a new page. What happens is that is shows the post that you just made as the first, and only post, on a multipage thread. See the attached photo. Notice the post number and the page number.


  • error 2.jpg
    error 2.jpg
    164.7 KB · Views: 9
Been noticing that the Fourm topics and threads are not marked read when I read them, or they are marked unread and I never read them.
I have an odd problem on my Linux system using either Chrome or Firefox. When I try to access the site I get the following:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [SOAP-ENV:Client] looks like we got no XML document in /home/paflyfi1/public_html/modules/spiders/class/soap.php:65 Stack trace: #0 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/modules/spiders/class/soap.php(65): SoapClient->__soapCall('spiderstat', Array) #1 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/modules/spiders/class/statistics.php(96): SOAPSpidersExchange->sendStatistic(Array) #2 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/modules/spiders/post.loader.spiders.php(112): SpidersStatisticsHandler->insert(Object(SpidersStatistics), true) #3 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/modules/spiders/preloads/core.php(12): include_once('/home/paflyfi1/...') #4 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/class/preload.php(140): SpidersCorePreload::eventCoreIncludeCommonEnd(Array) #5 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/include/common.php(328): XoopsPreload->triggerEvent(Array, Array) #6 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/mainfile.php(107): include('/home/paflyfi1/...') #7 /home/paflyfi1/public_html/index.php(22): include('/home/paflyfi1/...') #8 {main} thrown in /home/paflyfi1/public_html/modules/spiders/class/soap.php on line 65

I have tried deleting cookies and clearing my cache but no luck. Everything works fine on my windows system. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for all the work you are doing to make a great site even better.
Still not getting correct info on, if the thread has been read or if anything new has been added to a area since the last time I entered.
Yea, I don't know if this is for everybody, but often is says that there are new post and topics in the forums, but some are from years ago.

Even when I go into that forum and sometimes even into those threads is still says they are unread topics.

Sometimes I can even hit refresh and it goes to normal, hit refresh again...back to messed up.
I been having problems with notifications. I wanted to give it some time before I posted anything to give you guys time on more important issues and to see if it will work. I lost all my bookmarks and notifications that I had when there was the update. I wish I did not lose them but I can live with it. The problem I have is when I check the option to bookmark or notify me of new post, nothing works. It does not bookmark it for me. As someone that is learning I really like to bookmark some threads that is a big help to me.
Testing the posting of a long multi-paginated thread. Tested fine on local copy.
dkile wrote:
Mike more details, you can get to the site and it works because you you can post. I don't have that type of system.

Screen shot?

The screenshot would pretty much be a blank browser window except for the text I pasted in my original post. I can get to the site and it works fine on my computers running windows, but not on my computer running linux. I never had this problem before the site changes, so I was hoping someone else might have run into it too and found a solution. I have now completely unistalled the Firefox browser and then re-installed, but I still get the same error. All other sites I frequent are working fine, so I don't think it is an issue on my end.
I realize you have a lot going on, so I'm not expecting you to try and figure this out if I'm the only one with the problem.