Site Update and Changes



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021

Sorry about the site disruption. I know some are interested in what is going on. The short of it is there have just been too much traffic and messages. The databases needed to be updated to handle the load.

The PM for some reason contained almost 1,000,000 messages. I have had to prune much of them just to keep the site and features working. Will have to do so in the future too.

Please post any issues here. Please no conversation just issues! Please understand I am working on a lot of issues right now and sorry if I don't reply right away.

I'll discuss the new features once things are in ship shape.

I may not respond for a bit because I will be cleaning things up but I will look. If you see a major problem email me. Like the site is down again. Mind you this was planned on short notice.

If all else fails I will use the Facebook fan page to keep everyone updated too.

First of all thanks for keeping up with the growing site.

The only issue I'm having so far is viewing anything but the last page of a post. So if there's 8 pages of posts, the 8th page is the only one that will allow me to load.

I'll let you know if there's anything else I see.


- Fixed (dkile)
Ditto - tinkered around the site a little and thats the only problem I noticed. (last page reload only)

- Fixed (dkile)
This is my number one issue. It may take a little time to get fixed but hang in with me.

There are some small new features in PM that I need to work out too. Can't tell if is working.
When I click on subject in the forum it goes to the last post ,I have to scroll back up to see the original post
Big PAIN IN THE _ _ _ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Fixed (dkile)
Ditto, when I click on a subject it goes to the bottom and then have to scroll back to the top for the original post.

- Fixed (dkile)
Same as previous two.

Also there's no quick reply box at the bottom of the thread.

Also, you used to be able to switch forums from other forums and threads. That option is gone.
Change i can believe in. Trust. It should be obvious to all the folks on here that others are listening to you and the numbers of others is increasing. The issues discussed on here are interesting enough to attract a larger audience , which is good imo , always felt that if you want to protect something you have to be willing to share it with other like minded folks cause strength comes in numbers. Scrolling is not exercise , go for a walk or complete a chore you've been putting off , have patience , have trust. Ch ch ch ch changes.
Dave, I noticed a slight change from yesterday on this issue. Now, you can select which page you want, and the new page is indicated, but what i displayed is still the newest page with just the nessage numbers changed.

- Fixed (dkile)
I had the page/scroll issue as well, but also another issue.

- Fixed (dkile)

I have the quick reply box, but it doesn't work. I can write in it, and when I hit reply, I go back to the thread and my post isn't there.
Dave, just wanted to send a "thank you" your way. as others have said, we really appreciate your time and effort to build and maintain this forum!
I'm wondering why the site page doesn't fit the screen? It's seems to be too big for my screen.

edit: It's not off by much, maybe it's on my end.

I think we fixed two of the biggest issues:

1. You should be able to to go post #1 when you open a thread.

2. View mulitpage threads properly

Please let me know if you don't. Thank you for posting your issues here.

Everything seems to be working fine right now
Thanks Dave for all the endless hours you spend on this site
Thanks for all the fixes.

Just a quick question....

Is there a plan to insert a drop-down button/tab at the bottom of all the threads and forums that allows you to jump from forum to forum without scrolling to the top, clicking the main forum button and selecting the desired forum?

Also the quick reply boxes don't seem to be working for me either.
wildtrout2 wrote:
I'm wondering why the site page doesn't fit the screen? It's seems to be too big for my screen.

edit: It's not off by much, maybe it's on my end.

Sorry, I'm a jackwagon. It was my PC (zoom level). Like you need more work.