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There's a couple of guys from NY that said they'd join in...they'll need to stay at the Colonial Motel. I'm sure the Capra is booked.

We need 1 day of rain (like today) every week leading up to the trip or you'll be doing the wading boot shuffle instead of floating. Make 100% sure you have a rain jacket / warm stuff at hand when you hit the river. Once the sun dips behind the hills, the temps drop real quick.
I may have gone overkill on the rain dance. The Beaverkill was at 90 cfs this morning. At this time, it's a crazy 16,600 and climbing. Yow. Flood stage is at 10k. I understand that they got localized rain amounts in the 12-14" range. Hope there is't too much property damage or any injuries.
Just got a call and Josh will make it since the trip to Tioga Co got cancelled. Beaverkill at 22k and still rising. There will be major flood damage between Liberty and Cooks Falls. Dennis should have info on his site tomorrow.
How are conditions? Still looking to make it and working dates as I can do only two days.

Please check your PM Kray.....
The quality of the fishing simply depends where you are. It's the old saying "right time...right place". Still some good ISO fishing, Olives and the caddis action is picking up. Make sure you have Olives in 16-18, tan & olive caddis in 14-16, huge ISO 10-12 and October caddis larva. Going deep? Bring pheasant tails and prince in 10-16. If you like streamers, big browns can be found strapping on the feed bag before the spawn. I am actually taking a spinning rod to try and pick off a striper in the junction pool. Get your streamer deep enough, you may get a trout, smallie, walleye, striper or musky.
Just a reminder, NY fishing lic. expire Sept 30. I got a 2012-2013 online at the NYDEC web page. Athough depending on where you fish, the PA lic. could be all you need.
Dave is 100% correct. If you decide to go with the yearly license, then you have no excuse not to make it back up again in the spring or next summer.

You can buy them online OR pick them up locally. I would never miss out on a trip to Marino's to pick up my license. Have to greet the stuffed albino mountian cat in the window. LMAO.

I got approved for an additional day off so I'm heading up on Wednesday. If you do not already have my cell number and need to reach me, PM and I'll get you my cell number.
The conversations that go on in that place are awesome too. Plus one for Marino's.
Marinos is an experience. It is like walking back in time to the Texas Chainsaw guys house.
Looks like I'll be there on Friday and will be visiting the Catskill Museum and maybe fishing in the evening. Also plan on fishing Saturday until mid afternoon. Still working my plan. Hope to link up with you guys.
Dave, we'll be at the Capra as usual. I think we have 4 - t rooms at this time. Dave/ .... Phil/beeber....and Nick has one. You might be able to bunk up with him for a night or two. Bill from Pittsburgh mentioned coming but don't know if he's got a room. We may also have 3-5 guys from NY joining in and a guy from Philly stopping up. If you are going to fish Saturday, we might have to sweet talk Dave'S into a Stockport to Lordville float for ya. Streamers and ISO will do it. Check you PM.
Dave, if you want bunk up with me the offer is there. Be forewarned I snore like a howler monkey. I usually pass out ear plugs to my roomies.
6 lagers will cancel out the snoring. Zzzzzzzz

Thanks. I'll be in touch shortly - still working some details on my end.
Brandon, Coz and Rinker killed them yesterday. Lots of bows in the 17-20" range. They hooked one that showed them the backing 3 times before breaking the line. Never got it to net but it was a dandy.
I'm still planning on being up there wed or thur next week - and staying thru the weekend. Although I'm having trouble with my truck right now, but should have it back on the road by then.

I always camp up there and figure on doing that again. Also have 2 buddies of mine that are interested in coming But they're just a maybe as of now
Very good. I look forward to finally meeting "the dfg". Staying at Peaceful Valley? I'll be there before dark on Wednesday. Looks like the fishing has really turned on over the last 3-4 days. We might just hit it right this trip.
dryflyguy wrote:
I always camp up there and figure on doing that again. Also have 2 buddies of mine that are interested in coming But they're just a maybe as of now

Does this campground have tent sites?

Here's one between Roscoe and Hancock. Closer to Roscoe and FF museum.

Camp right by Roscoe

On the East Branch
