School me on Midges

That guy who does the TPO fly tying, is he on here? Is he local?

As a previous poster said, that's Aaron Jasper. He's actually made an appearance on here once before to answer someone's question of czech-style nymphing, or whatever you're supposed to call it now.

Someone needs to light the Jasper signal, I think...
I agree. I made a thread on czech stuff a week ago

I apologize for not seeing this. If any of you need to get a hold of me about a question on here or in general my e mail is

I would be more than happy to help anyone out. My reply might lag a few days as we are finishing the editing process on the nymphing dvd and are getting ready to copyright it and send it out for duplication.

I thought the "Jasper" light was funny ;)
AaronJasper wrote:
I thought the "Jasper" light was funny ;)
Native: why waste your money on condoms when you can get them free from your high school guidance counselor?

But seriously, you can do alot of damage with a size 18 Stewart's Black Spider (aka Bailey's Black Spider). I've found there's no real need to go any smaller than that. Use a fine wire hook and tie the body short if you think your fly looks too big. But remember to palmer the starling hackle at least half the length of the body. For the body material I use Pearsalls Gossamer Silk in brown. When the trout are sipping midges in a glassy pool, this usually works.
Griffith's gnats down to 26 on top; end of story. It does make a heck of a difference in hooking quality with these small flies if you tie them on a hanak or if you can find small skalkas. The extra wide hook gap is a difference maker. The Tiemco 103 BLs are sweet too. Under water, a black zebra is my money maker. I used to carry hundreds of different midges, but I never had faith in anything but a zebra midge and a few of its variations. Just my two cents, and by the way-I freakin love midge fishing. :-D