School me on Midges

This thread is a good discussion on, of all things...thread.

Griffith's 14/0 thread is the best I've used for midge patterns and small nymphs.

One other thing to add, when tying Griffith's Gnat's in small sizes, say 22 and smaller, a good substitute for the Peackock Herl is Pheasant Tail if you are looking for a smaller profile body.
BAM! Zenith ZFL-181-93! Baby, she came with a turbo button, you could ramp that 8088 up to 8mhz!

And glorious CGA, four whole shades of blueish LCD!

Dual 720k floppies.

Hell, yeah.

Woah. That is a SWEET ride!

/Hangover quote
Alpa's a rightwing radical. I dont watch/listen to Beck or Rush though those guys make the party look like fools. But the same can be said for Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow on the other side of the fence but you dont hear much about them for some reason?

Anyways back to the chironomid's have you ever heard of the Al's rat? I've caught lots of fish in the Little Lehigh and Spring Creek sight fishing them!
You don't hear much because nobody watches them.
Take a spin over to the left wingnut version of FreeRepublic,, and you can witness the e-Church of Olbermann first hand.

I go there to laugh at them sometimes, and there's most certainly a cult of personality around both of them. To counter any negative posts, I'd goto read Freeper rightwing nutjobs, except they're almost illiterate, and while the extreme left makes me laugh, the extreme right makes me worried.

ObMidges: Als Rat is supremely easy to tie, brown monocord body and a wee bit of muskrat for a thorax. Honestly, it doesn't look like anything, really, so there's no need to share a picture. Did that already get mentioned in the OTHER midge thread you started?
Why doesnt anybody watch them?
The right has traditionally cornered the market on whipping idiots into a froth with nonsense and slippery slopes. The left gave them a run during the bush years, but it's still a conservative game. Hence the bigger audiences. Fox news and conservative talk radio are part of the culture of politically active conservatives. Liberals, for the most part, are a much more diverse group, and many aren't big on infotainment.
My laptop blocks youtube too but even more of a bummer it filters this site =/
used to be able to get around it with this proxy program but the district found it and set it as a virus so i cnt do anything about it now, but im looking for a new one for the future.

As for midges I just learned a slick pattern called the bubble back midge and I tied a bunch up. The glass bead imitates the gas that builds up before the insect emerges.

Also that tiny caddis pattern i told you about will work as a adult midge pattern. Midges are a highly effective fly to learn how to fish!


Sign up for the circumventor that I posted above.

It's a web proxy, and they change addresses every day, to stay one step ahead of filtering software. You can configure it to email you the new address every day. As long as you can get email, you can get to the proxy.
when you are standing in a riffle and u see swarms of what appears to be nats about a foot off the water , try to catch one , look at the color and match it , tie it on a 12" dropper to a size 14 tungsten bd head caddis and adjust indie to right depth , yes they work and very very well at times , the water will tell ya when to use em if you pay attention , i am a firl believer in that there is way more size 20 offering under water to a trout than there are size 14-16 , and trout feel more confident eating something tiny in my opinion , not many people use midges cause they are a pita , and some peoples eye sight will not allow them to fish them either
I did have one amazing day on midges at the tully. It was brutally cold in the middle of winter, and I caught countless fingerling stocked rainbows on a zebra midge a foot under strike putty. I also caught them on dries at the warmest part of the day.

They are killer on hay creek when the water gets a little low.
I tied a few tonight at the end of my tying sesh. One was a 24-26 (not sure my hooks got mixed up, but it was TINY) and another was a 20. I got really tired so I just tied two. I tied a bunch of Jelly Rope Caddis Larvae, Greenie Weenies, and Eggs before that. I wish i wasnt so tired. I had AP Physics review today and a placement test for PSU, so I am WIPED. Tomorrow will bring more midges/flies I need to tie for this weekend.

I use a glass bead, black thread, and copper wire (tonight). SOme that I have made have had a little flashabou wing parachute type thing coming off the top. Tried fishing it today for a little, no luck. But I am going to continue to use it as a dropper off a fly I am confident with. I also tied a midge with a red hotspot.

I am tired, and that whole post didnt really have any meaning to it haha. Just talking
Oh native. I talked to my buddy today whos on the team. He said that since ya cnt use split shot in competitions, you have to use what they call anchors.(really heavy nymphs)
I have to tie some up tomorrow. Im thinking some large hares ears, stones, and whooly buggers all loaded with lead.

This is a very popular anchor fly for heavy water. It gets you down and also catches fish. Good luck.

Midges we don't fish them much here the trout prefer real flies all season. 8-16 in size. Below the canyon then it changes. A few lakes here fish midges at times.
Yeah I heard the same thing BrookieBuster. I need to practice tying on dropper rigs that arent on the bend of the hook. Need another day in this week. I work all week and have no time to tie or learn!

And afishinado, that looks like a good fly. I would have to explain to my parents why I have condoms in my room first though. They may get the wrong idea haha.

That guy who does the TPO fly tying, is he on here? Is he local?
NativeBrookie11 wrote:
Yeah I heard the same thing BrookieBuster. I need to practice tying on dropper rigs that arent on the bend of the hook. Need another day in this week. I work all week and have no time to tie or learn!

And afishinado, that looks like a good fly. I would have to explain to my parents why I have condoms in my room first though. They may get the wrong idea haha.

[color=CC0000]That guy who does the TPO fly tying, is he on here? Is he local?[/color]

His name is Aaron Jasper. He's a fishing instructor/guide from Jersey. He specializing in Euro nymphing for the most part. His website is called Trout Predator Online (TPO). Here's the link:

Also, the Euro nymphing experts George Daniel from TCO in State college

and Loren Williams:

Here is Loren's site:

These guys are directly involved with Team USA and may actually be the one's teaching the youth team. Good luck.

BTW, tell your parents about the crazy flies (Vladi Worms) made from the pink condoms before you go out and buy
afishinado wrote:
NativeBrookie11 wrote:
Yeah I heard the same thing BrookieBuster. I need to practice tying on dropper rigs that arent on the bend of the hook. Need another day in this week. I work all week and have no time to tie or learn!

And afishinado, that looks like a good fly. I would have to explain to my parents why I have condoms in my room first though. They may get the wrong idea haha.

[color=CC0000]That guy who does the TPO fly tying, is he on here? Is he local?[/color]

His name is Aaron Jasper. He's a fishing instructor/guide from Jersey. He specializing in Euro nymphing for the most part. His website is called Trout Predator Online (TPO). Here's the link:

Also, the Euro nymphing experts George Daniel from TCO in State college

and Loren Williams:

Here is Loren's site:

These guys are directly involved with Team USA and may actually be the one's teaching the youth team. Good luck.

BTW, tell your parents about the crazy flies (Vladi Worms) made from the pink condoms before you go out and buy

I thought he mentioned Lorens name in one of the videos. I will be meeting Loren and George this weekend at the USA Clinic/Tryout.

And yeah, I will make sure they are aware that I am buying condoms for FLY TYING. haha
i love tungsten bd head anchor flys of course in the color to match whats coming off , if there is more than one bug coming off then there is more than one fly fished , cut to the chase quicker ....