Salty new guy


New member
Feb 26, 2025
Hello all.

I was born and raised in Western PA (Leechburg) until I was 18 when I moved to Florida for college and have been down here ever since. I am typically found on the inshore flats, marshes and rivers on the east central coast chasing redfish, sea trout, snook and tarpon out of kayaks. Been a fly tyer since I was 13 and was a commercial tyer that sold to many of the shops in western PA way back when.

Thankfully I have a job that has me travel for several weeks every year to the Pacific Northwest getting my river fishing fix in for wild redside rainbows and mountain whitefish.

I have been visiting back home in the fall for the past few years targeting steelhead up in Erie but now have a house in Freeport and will be frequenting the area more.

Thanks for having me.

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Hello all.

I was born and raised in Western PA (Leechburg) until I was 18 when I moved to Florida for college and have been down here ever since. I am typically found on the inshore flats, marshes and rivers on the east central coast chasing redfish, sea trout, snook and tarpon out of kayaks. Been a fly tyer since I was 13 and was a commercial tyer that sold to many of the shops in western PA way back when.

Thankfully I have a job that has me travel for several weeks every year to the Pacific Northwest getting my river fishing fix in for wild redside rainbows and mountain whitefish.

I have been visiting back home in the fall for the past few years targeting steelhead up in Erie but now have a house in Freeport and will be frequenting the area more.

Thanks for having me.

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Welcome to the board. I am from the Saltsburg / Slickville area.
Welcome aboard from Clearwater. GG
Welcome, my Dad grew up in Leechburg in the '20 s
Welcome from York County.

Though my wife has family on the other coast of Florida, south of Tampa. We try to get down for a week or two a year.
When I lived in PA I spent the majority of my time chasing warmwater species so I am still learning the trout game up that way. I am hoping to come up for a trip in late spring/early summer to explore the area again.

Thanks all for having me.
Freeport area has Buffalo creek its a stocked creek and up stream has a keystone select DHALO area if you need to scratch your itch on some trout it's by far the nicest stocked stream in the whole area