Anyone use binoculars on the stream?

i carry a small monocular, fits nicely in the vest or other pockets
I've long carried binos when fishing the surf or ocean, but I usually don't take them when wade fishing.

I keep a pair in the car and like to use them from bridges on big rivers in summer when the sun is high to look for fish.
I used to carry a very small monocular in a little zipper case in my vest for a long time for looking at insects and other stuff. I can't say I used them much, but they were cool.

When I abandoned the vest I also abandoned the monocular and a bunch of other junk I carried for insect collection and identification because I adopted a much simpler system...

"Small yellow bug, small brown bug, larger tan bug, etc..."

These days all I carry is a nice pair of binoculars in the back of my SUV. I use them for occasional scouting of the landscape and looking at women swimming at the various PA State Parks I frequent.

LOL the last paragraph
Because we're not looking for extra stuff to carry? 🙂
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On bigger water, I think binoculars are indispensable.
My .02
I think it's an awesome idea for a bunch of theory. I always take binos with me in the truck whenever I head to camp or fishing. Check out that gobbler that crossed in front of me, an elk, whatever, and sometimes I have every intention of throwing them in my vest too.
Then I feel the weight of my vest before I even put on my Richardson box , plus my wading belt with water, wading staff, and net.....and I leave them in the console. LOL
(Maybe there's an answer to another question right there. 😂)
I did keep a pair in the boat when I would do the Delaware because it was more practical but just not on a straight wading trip.
Rather than “sinking” all that money in those binoculars, I would consider those Swarovski binoculars that have an AI function that, with a touch of a button, will give you an instant insect identification. (Or bird or animal identification.) It probably won’t be long until they will also tell you what stage the fish are feeding on and the fly to use.
Rather than “sinking” all that money in those binoculars, I would consider those Swarovski binoculars that have an AI function that, with a touch of a button, will give you an instant insect identification. (Or bird or animal identification.) It probably won’t be long until they will also tell you what stage the fish are feeding on and the fly to use.

And the AI component will automatically update the taxonomy of the insects so you can impress your like mined friends with latest Latin names of those brown bugs you see.

In addition, if you inquire they will rate deli cheeses, mustard, scrapple, peanut butter and it will automatically refer to pork roll as pork roll or Taylor Ham depending or your latitude.

However the function I am anxiously waiting for is the instant "stocked versus wild" identification tool. 😉
And the AI component will automatically update the taxonomy of the insects so you can impress your like mined friends with latest Latin names of those brown bugs you see.

In addition, if you inquire they will rate deli cheeses, mustard, scrapple, peanut butter and it will automatically refer to pork roll as pork roll or Taylor Ham depending or your latitude.

However the function I am anxiously waiting for is the instant "stocked versus wild" identification tool. 😉
Seeing as those binoculars only have about 9000 items that they can identify now you may have to wait until they can also identify all the German beer brands before they get to the cheeses, mustards, etc. But those should be coming soon I’d think.
