Saltwater Jam - Sandy Hook: 11-17-2013

Tying up some sand eels


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Unfortunately I'm not able to make this. And it looks like the weather should be fine. Hope you guys have a great time.

John :-(
Good luck PAFF SWFFers:
For any other attendees stuck in the office today:

live report from fred...tons of bait.


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Wish I could get down there sooner. Unfortunately early Sunday morning is the best I can do
I might be able to make it out on Sunday...
I guess I'll have to get on the PM's since there aren't many details here...

Looks like the north end is closed...

Heading down now. If some one down there could shoot me a text and let me know where you are that would be cool.


We will be meeting at the false hook tomorrow at sunrise


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Either you took your three weight rod Fred or thats a nice fish!
Any meeting spot for people still down there tomorrow? Leaving Philly area at 4am.
False hook at sunrise
I'm out for tomorrow to much stuff with school and work. good luck.
Here's my salt jam report: Arrived Friday about 10:30 which is right about the time Fred got the big fish posted above. I was reminded why I hate driving in that part of NJ......but anyway, when I linked up with Fred, the brief action was over. They are indeed doing a beach replenishment and the NPS are asking people to stay away from False Hook. If, after you make the long and difficult hike over the sand trail, if you keep to the left, you'll be okay. In any event, Fred and I fished hard from late morning until dusk in that section and no bass were seen. I did manage to get a boatload of shad on a teaser fly and that was fun but otherwise it was dead for both of us on Friday afternoon. On Sat morning, I hit the jetties in Long Beach from morning until dead low tide at lunchtime. Nothing. After lunch, I headed back up to Sandy Hook to join Fred and Icyguides and Jay 348. Icy had landed a big striper that morning. However, Sat afternoon was a replay of Friday - we fished hard and saw nothing but shad. Finally, this morning (Sun), I hit the jetties hard again - some very fishy looking water but......once again, no luck. The numerous plug guys out this morning also had no luck as far as I could see. So, as far as I saw, the only productive option was to fish False Hook in the am tide. Hopefully, the guys did well there this morning.
After two days of double hauling and blistered hands, to not see a striper was discouraging. Fortunately, some of PAFF guys had some luck so at least it wasn't the skunk for the jam.
I was down this morning. Caught a handful of shad, and not a striper to be seen. None the less it was a beautiful morning. FIshed from 6am-12:30 which was almost dead low tide. Drove down ocean ave on my way home, stopped by belmar to see if anything was happening. A lot more of the same, minus the Shad. Lots of bait, and no fish to chase it.
My report is similar to FI's. After a missed exit, getting pulled over, and walking the wrong way once I hit the beach, I met up with Fred and icyguides between 10 or 11 on saturday. Bass were busting up the schools of sand eels and cruising within a rods length of us until the tide went slack in the afternoon. Icy stole the show with a few keeper-sized fish and a total of 6(?) for the day. Unfortunately I was just a bit late and couldn't get the pattern together in time.

Weather forecast was nearly identical for today. Plus it was cloudy and foggy, with similar wind to hopes were high. Shad for days, but we didn't see a single bass landed on the entire beach. As always, I'm itching to get back out. It was a good time getting together with you guys...lets do this again.


Representing PAFF - FI, Fred, and Icyguides


Obligatory sunset shot

Foggy morning
Thanks for the reports.

SW fishing in the surf is more about being in the right place at the right time than any other type of fishing, IMO. The ocean is a big place. I've been skunked a lot more times than I've been successful.

Congrats to all for getting out there and giving it a go. And a big OORAH! to Fred for catching his first keeper bass. Well deserved after putting a lot of time, casts and mileage on his boots. We can now drop the "Shortie Fred" title....;-)