Salmon flies

How about some dark orange, deep red and cerise colored eggs. Most of the eggs in your box are on the lighter side.
the red yarn eggs in the upper right are fairly dark. (there's another row that's cut off) also there's estaz in a red too. I've typically had more success with lighter colors, but know others work better in other conditions. Maybe it's just confidence with certain patterns.

I did add some light pink and dark pink estaz eggs today and some purple zonkers.
Well I packed up my tying supplies for my trip. Leave tomorrow at around 5pm.

The pic above looks very similar except a few small holes filled in, the other side of the estaz box has a row of light pink and a row of dark pink, and the large box where the estaz box is sitting has a row of purple zokers and a row of black and purple stone flies.

I think I'm ready. If not, then at least I tried! :)
I fished large pink and chartreuse bunny leeches, and white buggers with various bright chenille bodies. This was easily the best trip I've had up there for salmon fishing. Steel, not so much, but they are starting to show up in good numbers.

I am sure other stuff worked, but the fish were incredibly aggressive this year.
jayL wrote:
I recommend all seasons over whitakers, for both selection and price of tying materials.

Whitakers is a very good shop, though.

+1, +1000 really

All seasons is probably my favorite shop for tying supplies. I bought an ENTIRE pheasant skin there last fall for $12.
ryguyfi wrote:
Here's my boxes so far. Just need another 100 or so and I'll feel comfortable.

What do you think?

The one by itself in the lower right, looks black. That'll be the hot fly if my experience tells me anything. :-D

Thanks a lot Boyer... Probably 400 flies and you tell me the 1 pattern I only have 1 fly in is the ticket. Way to boost my confidence!

(it's actually blue and purple)
Black is a hot fly because it's easiest to snag them with something they can't see.... hence the smiley.
what are some good sizes for these flies?anything in particular that works on both steel and salmon?
White buggers with bright chenille in a 6-8 streamer hook worked well. Maybe 2" with tail.

The bunny leeches were on a #2 or #4
how about the junk flies?green weenies?i don't know much about those flies because i never have any luck with them,then sometimes i'm against them,then i get excited about them.

but if you can lose hundreds of flies in a few days they only make sense.
I stuck with swinging, because I prefer to do it if it's working.

Estaz worked well for junk flies. I am sure green weenies would too.

While I doubt that many FFers use classic wet flies on the SR, I would BET you would catch a whole bunch with them. Give them a try with the junk. Good luck.
oh you know my main arsenal will be classic wets and nice flies like green butt skunks,doc spratelys ,pass lakes,comets,carey specials etc.

BUT,DUE TO STEEL AND SALMON INEXPERIENCE i am also going to follow the advice here!!
C'mon Shakey, you're too buttoned-down and conventional. Take a walk on the wild

Good luck, Dude. Definitely take pics of the 30lb+ Kings caught caught on classic wets with a boo and Medalist....and strapped to your cycle! :lol:

While wearing a three piece suit. That's part and parcel of the Shakey mystique.

shakey wrote:
oh you know my main arsenal will be classic wets and nice flies like green butt skunks,doc spratelys ,pass lakes,comets,carey specials etc.

BUT,DUE TO STEEL AND SALMON INEXPERIENCE i am also going to follow the advice here!!

MHO. No need for any fancy pattern that take over two minutes to tie up for salmon. The reason is you will foul hook Salmon many times, and do you really want to chase a salmon you lined? I don't .
just FYI,i will be using modern equipment for this trip.that's right:the bamboo rod i am using is impregnated.i may use silk line,but i am bringing plastic line too!
Silk line for salmon? I just hope you don't have a steelhead run you into a tree that's in the middle of the river like the upper fly zone. I seen a few guys loose their line because the fish ran them into it. Good luck, hope all goes well. Please take some pictures of the cane and salmon if you do it.