Great advice by Ohio. Also, one of the best ways to keep your wrist from breaking too far backward, while also eliminating side wrist movement (which forces your loop out of plane) is to use an index finger up grip instead of a thumb up grip. Try this, put your thumb up like you are gripping a fly rod and bend you wrist back like you are making a back cast – it bends to about 45* rearward. Now do the same with your index finger up – it remains close to vertical. The IFU grip locks your wrist from going too far back. Now do the same thumb up grip and turn your wrist from side to side – a lot of movement. Try the same side-to-side wrist movement with your index finger up – it’s almost locked into position with little side-to-side movement. A simple change of grip can solve some casting problems. Once you get your stroke down with the IFU grip, you can use either grip to cast. I use either grip depending on the type of cast I want to make, and the rod I’m casting. The index finger up grip works well only on lighter rods, with heavier rods, the thumbs up grip gives you a stronger grip on the rod, and is more comfortable. Good luck.