Ridiculous / funny fishing stories......


I guess it's all about managing expectations. Set the bar low! ;)

I'm not proud of it, but sometimes I do the same thing with fly fishing purchases.

Me: "Hey, honey, I need to get (random fly fishing necessity here) and it costs $200"

Her: "What?? Are you nuts?"

Me: "Well, OK. I guess I can settle for the one that costs $125." (the one I originally wanted anyway)

(disclaimer: you know I made that up since nothing in fly fishing is that affordable)

OK, y'all have been forthcoming with your embarrassing stories so...

About a decade ago I used to go out on a local lake at 4 AM to bass bug until the sun was on the water. It's a magical time to be on the water.

I had a small boat I would put in at a back cove dock.

One morning I got all my gear set in the boat, backed it down to the water, moved it off the dock and over to the dock, then pulled my truck away to park.

When I returned (in the dark) to get in my boat, it was 20 yards out in the lake. I had forgotten to tie it off to the dock!'

So, there I was standing at the end of the dock watching my boat and gear slowly drift away from me. I looked both ways and dove in. I swam out to my boat and dragged it back in.

Needless to say, I was relieved no one was around at that early hour to see my stupidity in action.
bdfish wrote:
pcray1231 wrote:
I would tell her I was cheating on her.

She didn't think it was funny, but she was awfully relieved that I was just fishing.

Brilliant. See, I tell her I was fishing and I get the passive aggressive treatment. So, what I'm gathering is that I should tell her I was doing something much worse, and she'll be happy I was fishing?

Good luck with that...

It works.

"Where have you been?"
"At the bar/club/guy's house/girlfriend's house/casino/poker night/speed dating/swinger's club/emergency room/fire station/movie theater. No, I've just been fishing."

It's a subtle reminder how bad it could be.
yup, to quote my stepdad, " I'm going deer and bear hunting" as in "dear faces and bare arses".
wow!! that is crazy, I have never been in a similar situation
Since I don't see a non-fishing funny story - here's one.....

One day I just finished showering. I dressed and as I stood there in front of the mirror, I opened the door to see my daughter standing their looking half scared to death. I says, "What's wrong pumpkin?" She states - "I think my rabbit has worms" I ask her why she thinks that, and she says, "I saw it come out and go back in". I ask where did you see this, and she says, "down there." and points to her private parts. I said, "You just found out your rabbits a boy!"
My favorite fly shop to visit has a very unique owner. Some of the stuff he says makes you laugh or just shake your head.

The very first time I ever walked into the shop 20 years ago, I said "Hey, how ya doing?". He looked up from his tying vice and said "Good. How the f**k you doin?".

I've seen guys pull up in their $120k SUV, get out and walk into the shop like kids headed for the tree on Christmas morning. One of the guys looks at the owner and says "Hey buddy, where's a good place to find trout". Without missing a beat, shop owner replied with "In a trout stream". The shocked customers turned to exit and announced "We're going across the street. They'll take our business and aren't a**holes". The shop owner gave them a wave and said "Good seeing ya, get...out".

And finally this year, we were up just as the drakes were starting to show. The fly box was overwhelmed with hoards of guys grabbing some of this and some of that. A customer yells out "What's the best green drake pattern to catch these fish? " The shop owner walks over to the fly cases and slides the lid over blocking the drake patterns. He points to the open side and drops this gem.... "The fish aren't eating the drakes yet. The fish are eating caddis. If you want to catch fish, use a caddis....... but I don't give a (whatever)

I could spend a full day in this guys shop listening to him sweet talk people. LMAO
Krayfish2, I don't see how your story is funny!
by PennypackFlyer on 2016/7/21 12:40:33

Krayfish2, I don't see how your story is funny!

Then use caddis.... I don't (care)...
I was spin fishing on the Asaph River in Tioga County... My buddies practically made me leave the fly rod in the truck and use my UL outfit.

The trout hit pretty good on Rapala sinking minnows in that small serpentine river. I was tying on a gold Rapala, and I needed to get to my nippers. so I clasp the Rapala in my teeth so I could reach down for the nippers... as I brought my right hand down, the brand new and plenty sharp caudad (tail) treble hook buried itself in my right thumb... and as my hand went down with the newly attached Rapala, it released it from the light grip my teeth had on it and the cephalad (front) treble hook impaled itself into the inside of my lower lip...

Seeing as how I could not see anything (too close), and my left hand was holding the rod that the Rapala was tied on and my tackle, the only thing I could do was find one of my buddies to help release me, LOL. Walking across the open field...

Actually, I was looking forward to the expression on my friend's face.

krayfish2 wrote:
My favorite fly shop to visit has a very unique owner. Some of the stuff he says makes you laugh or just shake your head.

The very first time I ever walked into the shop 20 years ago, I said "Hey, how ya doing?". He looked up from his tying vice and said "Good. How the f**k you doin?".

I've seen guys pull up in their $120k SUV, get out and walk into the shop like kids headed for the tree on Christmas morning. One of the guys looks at the owner and says "Hey buddy, where's a good place to find trout". Without missing a beat, shop owner replied with "In a trout stream". The shocked customers turned to exit and announced "We're going across the street. They'll take our business and aren't a**holes". The shop owner gave them a wave and said "Good seeing ya, get the f**k out".

And finally this year, we were up just as the drakes were starting to show. The fly box was overwhelmed with hoards of guys grabbing some of this and some of that. A customer yells out "What's the best green drake pattern to catch these fish? " The shop owner walks over to the fly cases and slides the lid over blocking the drake patterns. He points to the open side and drops this gem.... "The fish aren't eating the drakes yet. The fish are eating caddis. If you want to catch fish, use a caddis....... but I don't give a f**k".

I could spend a full day in this guys shop listening to him sweet talk people. LMAO

Is this shop in roscoe?
Friendly warning this time.

Pennypack and Krayfish....mind your fingers on the keyboard!

When you decide to hit the "F" key you should be typing words like "FUN" or "FAMILY" or FLY FISH on here!

Posts were edited by me.

Not funny or ridiculous, more ironic. I was fishing a remote Class A stream 3 weeks ago and I lost my fishing license button. This past Saturday I found it laying streamside. What's ironic is I just got my replacement button in the mail last Wednesday! :)