Ridiculous / funny fishing stories......

A couple years ago a buddy of mine, my dog, and I were fishing Penns below Poe Paddy. It was a weekday and was surprisingly crowded in the stretch we were on. We decided to head upstream to get some space and I ran into a buddy of mine who told me they were guiding a large group of beginners from Philly. As we talked on the bank, up in the woods, I asked him his plans and told him we would head upstream to stay out of his way. Super pup being the bird dog she is, decided she had enough of the conversation and would go ahead to see if she could find any grouse.

As we parted ways with my guide buddy, we stopped for a second to watch his group fishing just to see how they were doing. There was one guy in particular, standing in waist deep water, on top a large boulder. He was really struggling to get a good cast. Suddenly, we see him fall off the rock and go scrambling towards shore. Apparently a 65lb black lab in the woods looks a lot like a 300lb black bear to some people. Everyone found it pretty amusing, and once he realized the wetness in his waders was only water, he did too.
Shortly after graduating high school, a buddy and I joined his dad on a head boat fishing trip out of New Jersey. We were ocean bound for bluefish that were schooling up along the coast. We went on to have a great fishing day, with one exception:

At one point, we got into a heavy school of blues. The action was intense, with many fish coming into the boat and being left flopping on the deck by the mates as they scrambled to service everyone's catches. A lot of folks knew that the time with this school was precious and resorted to unhooking their own fish to squeeze in a few more casts before the school dissipated, one of those folks being my buddy.

I was setting up to recast moments after my buddy landed a nice, fat blue. Just as I get my line baited and back out in the water, I hear a scream from behind me, and turn around to see my buddy punching the bluefish - now locked onto his thumb and pinned to the deck - like he's tangling with a grown man in a bar fight. I was of no use to him as I was laughing too hard to help. He finally freed himself after a few seconds (which assuredly felt like a few hours), complete with a nice, circular tooth hole in his thumb nail!
Six-Gun wrote:
He finally freed himself after a few seconds (which assuredly felt like a few hours), complete with a nice, circular tooth hole in his thumb nail!
You don't mess with blues. Them suckers will debone your fingers.
Back about 20 years ago we went to Lake Arthur(me my Bro and Bro in law) to fish for Catties at night from a boat....prior to dark we would throw Jitterbugs into the coves. So its dark and we are dragging these noisemakers across the surface. Not knowing how far out it is I hear this ker-thunk. THats the noise you rip on ya know. So Apparently my lure was right next to the boat and I missed the fish and the 6" jitterstick comes flying directly into the boat and hits my brother in the eye. I go holy #censor# you OK thinking it just smacked him. Here the Treble Hook is through his eyelid and hook point between his eye and eyelid.

We did surgery on the boat with a pair of needle nose pliers. After smashing the barb and getting it out I asked if he could see OK. He said yes but it felt like he got punched in the eye. I couldn't hold it any longer and bust out laughing. Then I asked if we were OK to keep fishing? HE said yes but soon after he asked if we could call it.

He went home and then to the hospital and they said everything looked OK.
duckfoot wrote:
Six-Gun wrote:
He finally freed himself after a few seconds (which assuredly felt like a few hours), complete with a nice, circular tooth hole in his thumb nail!
You don't mess with blues. Them suckers will debone your fingers.

I hear you there. I'll never forget one of my first head boat trips with my dad at about 8 years old. I caught a little blue and my old man was trying to get a hook out it. The thing squirmed and wiggled up a few inches in his hand, snapping his shirt into its mouth and locking on. It missed taking a chunk out of his chest by a sliver of space. He had to tear the lockjawed fish free from that shirt, leaving a distinct, shredded hole on it. He kept the shirt for years as a memento and it reminded me of just how wicked a bite from one of those fish could be.
Now I know better than to stick my hand in a Pike's or Muskies Mouth and yet I thumb gripped a blue the first time I went out fishing. The boat ended up moving from that location cause sharks were spotted in the area. (duh, I wonder why!)

Karma's going get u.
I did not grow up under the ideal conditions. I was a snot nosed kid, and I did alot of things that i wished I hadn't. Back in my days, when you saw someone with a walking cane.....you picked on them....One special incident I recall running off with this gents cane and tossing it in the ocean off the pier in Florida. I remember him yelling and screaming and his wife trying to chase me down.

When I was 25 and serving in the Navy I spend a long day on a pier fishing. Caught several 4' sharks and many other fish. Sorry guys I was not into fly fishing at that age. Well, on the way home, I decided to stop in at McDonald's and get me some grub. While sitting there eating my stomach started rumbling (you know the feeling) and I had the urgent need to use the restroom asap. So I got up and took to the stool. Once completing my mission I headed back to my table and was suprised to see a homeless lady sitting there eating my food. I yelled at her that, that was my food....she responded, "is your name McDonald's. Well, I had gotten pissed off at that and grabbed one of her bags and ran out the door. Jumped in my car and drove off. About 5 minutes later I stop and decided to open her bag....and it was full of BS the same thing iv'e been feeding you in this story! :-D
My buddy Mark wrote this about a trip from 10 years ago. I thought it was hilarious. In between houses?????

In between houses
I haven't read them all, but certainly some funny ones that I can't beat. But since this is not a contest...

At the jam Friday night. Water was boiling with trout taking sulfurs. Well, at least I think they were sulfurs.

I got a tangle in my leader. No big deal cept that it was getting dark. So I cut the fly off and removed the leader and just grabbed a fresh leader and tied the fly on. Then I cast to the fish. Then I cast again. Hey, that didn't feel right.

Daaa, forgot to attach the leader to the line. So if someone finds a brand new extruded leader with a sulfur tied on it, on Penns, Merry Christmas.

I really hate leaving line behind though.

And anchor story. Years ago I bought my first boat. A 26 foot cabin cruiser. Wife and I were out on lake Erie off of boaters beach (Presque Isle). It was a windy day and a heavy boat with a lot of boat above water catching wind. Had already pulled the front anchor. Yea, I know. Should pull that one last, but I wa sdriving, soo.. When pulling the back one, I couldn't hold it due to the wind. As I neared thee end of my rope, I told the wife to put it in reverse and give it some throttle.

About 10 seconds later I turned to her and said, "no your other reverse."

Followed that with a lot more words.

It took me awhile to find that anchor in neck deep water, but I eventually did. In fact, I still have that anchor, but not the boat.

BTW, she had trouble backing up a car, too.
Fished the upper D 5/20-21. Anchored up and landed a 16-17 inch bow, removed hook and plop goes my net with the fish still inside the net. Rowed down ~25 feet to retrieve net which amazingly still contained the fish.

The fish was actually swimming the net downstream, it looked like he was trying to go to the bottom of the river, but since my net was wood he was kept afloat.

Fishing skid row show -- good times.
JackM wrote:
My funniest memory is hearing Alby making splash sound while wading the Yough with me. When I turned toward the splash, all I saw was his rod tip and his hat.

And his beer:



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You've heard of a pick-up at a bar. What about a pick-up at a stream?

Not my story but a friend of mine... He was fishing Neshannock Creek quite a few years ago when he saw movement on shore. He looked up and noticed an attractive woman watching him from the path. Standing alone. He smiled first before noticing she was topless. They started talking. She told him it was too nice a day and felt like taking her shirt off. He didn't go into details after that, but mentioned they had a nice evening out. Never said anything about a second date.

I wrote to the Penthouse Forum once too. It involved a female pizza delivery person. :cool:
JackM wrote:
I wrote to the Penthouse Forum once too. It involved a female pizza delivery person. :cool:

HA! Only difference is, Jack, it's a true story. This guy is a straight shooter, or at least I think it is.
You guys have all the fun.

I remember one day I was planning to go steelhead fishing. Wife was giving me a hard time, so I asked if she wanted to go along. I said, we can go for a walk along the stream or something. She declined.

Well, at the last second when I was loading my car, she changed her mind. Fine, I didn't mind.

We got to the stream where I slipped into my waders. Then we walked a path that leads down to the Grand river where I turned left (downstream) to go to one of my favorite spots. Wife was following me.

She noticed there was a young lady fishing just upstream of where I turned downstream.

She claimed that lady and I looked at each other and then I walked down stream and the lady walked up stream.

My wife accused me of cheating on her, which was made much worse when I laughed. she said she only went along to keep an eye on me.

But back then I used to go fishing for a couple hours after work and then claim I was working late. Karma will get you every time.

I guess those waders really do make me look phat. LOL!
FD: Only if they are striped horizonatally!
Aw, hell Dave, I used to get in trouble with my girlfriend because she would think I was fishing (and I was) and I would tell her I was cheating on her.

She didn't think it was funny, but she was awfully relieved that I was just fishing.
My friends and I were hiking in the Los Angeles National Forest, when this nude lady sits up on this rock and says, "how's it going guys." Me with my mouth wide open, no shirt on and with shorts, walked smack dab into a tree covered with Poison Ivy/Oak. A month later I was still fighting the itch war and had to get medical attention.
I would tell her I was cheating on her.

She didn't think it was funny, but she was awfully relieved that I was just fishing.

Brilliant. See, I tell her I was fishing and I get the passive aggressive treatment. So, what I'm gathering is that I should tell her I was doing something much worse, and she'll be happy I was fishing?
pcray1231 wrote:
I would tell her I was cheating on her.

She didn't think it was funny, but she was awfully relieved that I was just fishing.

Brilliant. See, I tell her I was fishing and I get the passive aggressive treatment. So, what I'm gathering is that I should tell her I was doing something much worse, and she'll be happy I was fishing?

Good luck with that...