Raw Sewage Pumped into Quittaphilla, Lebanon Co.



Mar 9, 2010
Just heard this on the radio and it made me a little sick.

It seems a landlord pumped a large amount of raw sewage from a basement into a storm drain in Lebanon City. Those storm drains run right into the headwaters of the stream.

I fish this limestone stream regularly as it is close to home and is fishable year-round thanks to low temperatures in the summer and the Special Regulations section in the Park.

I am just wondering how this will affect the recovery of the stream.

Better they did it now than in the summer. Hopefully there's enough water to dilute it. Snitz and Bachman also feed it, right? Looked like Bachman was flowing pretty hard when I drove over it Tuesday afternoon.
I wonder how it's gonna effect the fish? Think the fish downstream will be effected?
Sorry to hear - the Quittie sure has its share of woes! Being a limestoner is about the only thing that save her from all that nastiness. Camp hill boro continues to pollute the Conodoguinet this way. I've been on the Quittie when the quarry flushes the silt ponds too. Talk about too much of a good thing. The water flows blue/grey with all the sediment. So much for riparian buffer. It's amazing that any biomass can sustain a population in some of these urbanized waterways.
According the news it was 12,000 gallons and it was intentional. There is an organization trying to rehab that stream and there was just a huge grant obtained for more work.
I hope the high flow currently going will flush it through.