Protection on the water

Basically, yes. The politicians pretty much all belong to one special interest group or another. I'm not blindly defending the NRA. There is plenty wrong with the organization. At least the basic stance of the NRA is backed by the Constitution. That cannot always be said of the agendas pushed by the government.
You'll be fine as long as you don't catch more than me !
"You gentleman have a still in these woods?"
I'll upset those with the gun agenda on their minds and ill ruffle feathers but just like grandpa, and just like my father to this day, i'll carry my handgun with me at all times.

to the mall, to church, to dinner (where allowed)

its not because i afraid, its not because i am weak it is to possibly save someones life in need of help, or my own life if need be.

Not everyone who carries a gun around is a crazed lunatic in the woods looking to kill stuff.

i hope i never have to use mine, but i have it just in case i'd ever need it.

If you choose not to carry one in the woods thats your deal. But those who want to carry theirs at the local stream either in town or just outside shouldnt be questioned/laughed at as long as its legal

If legal, trained, and responsible - why not!?!?! I've hunted out west twice, and once in Canada, all in bear country. NEVER have the guides carried bear or pepper spray. Always brought the side arm. Not to infer tha PA has more or the same dangers as Grizzly and Mt. Lion.
foxfire wrote:
If legal, trained, and responsible - why not!?!?! I've hunted out west twice, and once in Canada, all in bear country. NEVER have the guides carried bear or pepper spray. Always brought the side arm. Not to infer tha PA has more or the same dangers as Grizzly and Mt. Lion.

Because there are those who think its unnecessary to carry a gun while fishing.. that "if you need a gun to fish you shouldnt be fishing"

that group.

I have actually hiked into an illegal grow operation exploring a national park stream a while back. I make sure I am prepared. Especially if exploring areas I have never been into, nor does it look like anyone else has been.
charliepff wrote:
I have actually hiked into an illegal grow operation exploring a national park stream a while back. I make sure I am prepared. Especially if exploring areas I have never been into, nor does it look like anyone else has been.
Always better than have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!

And yes, I've stumbled into shady things as well. Always peace of mind to have a piece.
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
I'll upset those with the gun agenda on their minds and ill ruffle feathers but just like grandpa, and just like my father to this day, i'll carry my handgun with me at all times.

to the mall, to church, to dinner (where allowed)

its not because i afraid, its not because i am weak it is to possibly save someones life in need of help, or my own life if need be.

Not everyone who carries a gun around is a crazed lunatic in the woods looking to kill stuff.

i hope i never have to use mine, but i have it just in case i'd ever need it.

If you choose not to carry one in the woods thats your deal. But those who want to carry theirs at the local stream either in town or just outside shouldnt be questioned/laughed at as long as its legal


Amen brother. Ya just gotta ignore those ignorant or gun ban agenda folks that want to impose their own insecurities, attitudes & beliefs into your life. Whether it's a first aid kit, compass & firestarter, bear spray or sidearm it's never a foolish thing to be prepared for even the rarest of what its in the outdoors. The hope is that it is indeed unnecessary & the preparedness is for the one time it might not be. Be prepared, walk softly and carry a big stick ;)
SlingerFlyRods wrote:

Because there are those who think its unnecessary to carry a gun while fishing.. that "if you need a gun to fish you shouldnt be fishing"

Where does that quote come from? From this thread? Another thread?
just seen it on a facebook picture of mine shared by a certain company not long ago where sidearms were a sour topic during fishing thats all. all in reference to this picture
Much ado about nothing.

If you carry a gun, great but you probably will never need it.
If you don't carry a gun, great you will probably never have needed it anyway.

Who really cares? Everyday we are in contact with folks carrying concealed and never even think about or realize it. What's the big deal while fishing? What's the big deal if we actually see the gun?

The only people who I have a problem with are the idiots who claim its for snakes. What ****** shoots snakes? Gimme a break.
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
just seen it on a facebook picture of mine shared by a certain company not long ago where sidearms were a sour topic during fishing thats all. all in reference to this picture

I'm not a big gun guy but I think that picture is pretty sweet.
RyanR wrote:
Be prepared, walk softly and carry a big stick ;)
Always. Carrying everywhere forces me to be nice to people at all times, regardless of how they treat me.

By the way, that picture is sweet. Do those waders have belt loops in order to hold a belt that can support the weight of the firearm + holster?
PennKev wrote:
The only people who I have a problem with are the idiots who claim its for snakes. What ****** shoots snakes? Gimme a break.

^ Couldn't agree more.
The morons who carry "for snakes" here in PA really rub me wrong. Especially the ignoramuses who claim it's for "water moccasins." :roll:

There may or may not be valid reasons to carry in PA. . .but water moccasins ain't one of 'em.
Last fall at my camp I had an encounter with a bear that had obviously bad habituated to people, probably getting fed at a campground nearby. Blowing the horn didn't phase it and it stood on it's hind legs looking inside my truck. Then got within 10 feet of me. It was not a nice experience, but if I had a gun and fired and missed it probably only would have pissed the bear off.
All of my other encounters with bears were at a distance and when the bear realized I was there, it ran the other way.
tomitrout wrote:
What are the odds of something actually happening

What are the odds of winning the lottery? yet millions still play..If something CAN happen, why shouldn't one be prepared for it, regardless of chance.
duckfoot wrote:
RyanR wrote:
Be prepared, walk softly and carry a big stick ;)
Always. Carrying everywhere forces me to be nice to people at all times, regardless of how they treat me.

By the way, that picture is sweet. Do those waders have belt loops in order to hold a belt that can support the weight of the firearm + holster?

yes my wading belt goes through the loops. i made it tight enough to be able to hold the firearm.

i normally dont have it out there flashy like that, its usually in a bandolier holster across the chest under the pack but my buddy thought it would be a good photo op.

Since I use to wander around up on the mountains in Montana alone,usually starting up before daylight ,I made it a point to glance over my shoulders every few seconds until bright sunlight,carrying my .357 in quick draw magaw position,,why ?
Mountain lions- some how the thought of saying "go away,nice ***** cat'" wasn't reassuring enough.
Butt then since only a nut would start up in lion country alone,unarmed before daylight ,I thought I was the sane one.
Never actually saw one but would see their tracks in new snow.
Plenty of bobcats though-both in Montana and one in Florida-they aren't the sharpest cats around.Fun to talk about the good old days but I agree -better to be ready then helpless and has nothing to do with machismo.