Proposed changes in Upper Delaware River Regs



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
NY DEC proposed reg. changes >
Wow, this should get some people going. No more closed season. Curious what Moon, wbranch and Kray think. Pretty sure Kray won't like it.
No closed season.
Creel from 5 to 1.

If there is a harvest issue it might be better. If not, not so much.
This is likely being done for $$$$ not for benefit of fishery.
Basically a switch to year-round C&R. 1 fish creel limit? That's weird. I'm not sure that exists anywhere else in the east?
Best thing that could happen......Maybe it will cut down on the horrendous fishing pressure up there during the open season now.
Best thing that could happen......Maybe it will cut down on the horrendous fishing pressure up there during the open season now.
Proposed changes in Upper Delaware River Regs


This is likely being done for $$$$ not for benefit of fishery.

After this last year you can bet that New York state will be doing everything to squeeze every dollar out of everyone who sets foot inside the state.

Wonder if they will impose a 25 percent angler capacity.
I hate not having a closed season. More and more states seem to be going that way. It's really easy to catch big trout when they run into small tribs to spawn. Hopefully nobody targets these fish.

I'm sure there's science behind the decision but I know for a fact I could absolutely clean up on big trout in nursery tribs during the former closed season. I grew up fishing for salmon, Steelhead, and lake run browns like that. Artifical only makes no difference, if I could ses the fish I could catch them on a bare hook.

I sent my thoughts to dec as well (not that I'm any type of authority, but I am a stakeholder). I'm extremely disappointed with keeping fishing open year round.

Harvest is only during the old trout season 4/1 to 10/15. I think harvest is an issue in parts of the system (not the wb). Reducing the harvest is a good thing. I know 6 or 7 areas that get hit pretty hard by meat fishermen.

This was in the works before covid, as much as I disagree with this decision money has absolutely nothing to do with it.
So with no closed season guides can take clients for boat rides all year long at $400.00+. Fly shops and hotels will all love it. Commodifying the rivers and fish is exactly what all this is about.
So, there will be guided trips this time of year? Doubtful.
Horrible idea. Don't care to have legendary slayers like Ronnie Kitterage and others prowling around flossing fish off of the redd's. I think this bad idea came from the PFBC... masters of resource first. With any luck, the river can be brimming with 7"-8" fish just like spring creek.

Flyswatter, you think for one second that the guides won't take you down the river in February? If it's not iced over, they'll go.

The good news is that it's waaay colder up there than people think. Unbearable conditions often from November thru March. Quite often, the river ices over completely and is unfishable. 2 years ago, my buddy saw pickup driving across the river on the ice.
Kray, The cold is what I was thinking: Icy or near icy river conditions, slow fishing and possibly slippery travel. It's pretty crazy up there during the season now, so I could be way off.
Ronnie Kittredge thanks you.
Why not give it a damn break? Those fish take a beating.
What possible motive could there be other than money? Things are working well in terms of fish. Crowds not so much.
Couldn't agree more on everything Kray said.
The new generation if fly fishermen seem content to pay for a guide to take them for a boat ride and dangle a bobber with a few nymphs attached and catch one or a few small fish.
I could be way off myself as i never used a guide or even thought about it.

I thought the guide business in PA takes a huge hit in the winter. I would imagine many have near to no work for that part of the season.
I would think NY would be even worse.

Then again maybe the first few years it would be a novelty.

Iam i wrong here, i honestly dont know
With no closed season there will be guides (spin and fly) fishing the upper west branch throughout the winter. My business is located up there, and I see rising fish throughout the winter on the upper west. If the reservoir is spilling it will look like the Salmon river.

The “meat holes” (places with easy access) will be fished out much sooner in the year, at least now the big fish can be caught a few times before dispersing or falling for a Rapala and getting creeled. I don’t see this as good for fish or fisherman.

Mark C
That upper Delaware population of trout and the anglers utilizing it have been studied for two seasons by NY and Pa in a joint effort. I would hope and expect that the new regs have their basis in that effort. If an angler likes agencies utilizing studies to formulate management plans, these regs could be what the angler would desire based on the results. The angler would have to read the report to know.
Is the report available?

Have Kray and Moon as anglers who utilize the fishery read the report

If so, do either think the observations of a study over a small snapshot in time outweigh years of observations?

Found it.

Very quick take as that is a lot of data:

77% of anglers described themselves as "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their fishing experience over the last three years

3% of anglers were "dissatisfied" or "very dissatisfied."

Angler satisfaction was not singularly attributable to catching many trout (26.8 %), catching large trout (36.6 %), or catching at least one trout over 20-inches (26.0 %).
Harvest of trout is important to a relatively small (3.1 %) component of fishery participants

What was the problem again? Or what are they trying to fix? :lol:
