Private party stockie list..... Where is it?

I'll need to stop at Wal-Mart or a flea market then. Sadly my nippers are nothing special, but they do say Orvis on them so that counts for something. I guarantee you that my vehicle is worth less than any vehicle you own. I find it hilarious still that people think I am a baller. I just have way too much into the hobby investment-wise. Is a crackhead rich because they smoke a lot of crack?

Nobody cares about what gear you own but when you make disparaging comments like an “okuma reel would be fine for someone who worked at McDonald’s”. Or when you name drop for no reason like “if you see my Costas on the Brandywine”. You know those are long gone but saw an opportunity to boast about the high value items you own.

I’m sure you’re an awesome dude but it’s just not a good look for anyone. Also, putting down people who use spinning rods is one that is never well received by this group because some of the biggest contributors on this site use spinning rods for various applications.

For the record, I own simms boots and orvis reels because I like the quality. Im not saying there is anything wrong with owning outstanding fly gear.