Pool boss with a twist?



Well-known member
Jun 27, 2015
Love the pool boss series developing here. You guys inspired me to post a little something for the first time in a while. A buddy and I went out Sunday on a creek like this, looking for a few brookies, and I found a small stream culvert boss brown along the way. Just 18 inches and change, but has probably hit max width at this point, just a porker! Btw, the hen brookies are appearing to be with child...




Great post. Please tell us about your setup. Rod, line weight, tippet and fly.

That brown is a beauty ! And it looks like you are correct on the hen brookies by appearances..
What a great thread.

We all know that a big brown trout might be living in many of the deeper pools on our favorite small streams. Catching these big fish from tiny streams is a great thrill and a marvel of nature (which keeps us coming back. . . especially after a heavy rain).
Thanks, fellas!

Salmo, I was fishing a dry dropper most of the morning on a 9' 4wt under-weighted with 3wt line. This fish took a size 16 cdc tag fly on the dropper under either a stimulator or a wulff (one is in a tree). Just swooped out of the log jam he was in and ate it. A buddy and I both watched in disbelief. I was fishing 6x on the dropper and had that measure net for shites and giggles since we have been trying to tape a 11 inch brookie in this creek for some time...
Dave_W wrote:
What a great thread.

We all know that a big brown trout might be living in many of the deeper pools on our favorite small streams. Catching these big fish from tiny streams is a great thrill and a marvel of nature (which keeps us coming back. . . especially after a heavy rain).

Thanks, Dave. It also made witnessing a lot stream damage a little easier. I have been on three creeks since Ida, all in SEPA, that are in varying states of jacked-up...
Mille grazie! Great pictures, fish and information!
Excellent photos....Nice little brookies.....and the brown is awesome. Greatly appreciate you taking the time to share with us.