Pm problems



Mar 2, 2011
Don't know if anyone else is having problems with there pms. I seem to be having a few issues. It seems they they aren't sending properly. Just wanted to bring it to the attention of the moderators in case anyone else is having the same problems.
I sent one out last week and haven't heard back. Maybe this is why.
No, ryan on beer. I assumed you got the one I sent you but there was nothing really to reply.
Oh. I thought I did write you back. Meh. I can't remember!
Yeah, my fault, you did.
Ryan just didn't PM you back (did now) lol.

There's a forum above the General called site comments. General questions on the upkeep of the site typically can be found there.
Thanks guy. I guess the moderators can move this topic if they see fit.
yeah i had PMed Sulfurking and Pcray last wek with no responses
When I hit "reply" in a PM, it creates a reply to "007troutman," not always, but most times. I guess that is the first entry in our list "alphabetically." So, now I always make sure when touching reply, that the correct name appears. If not, I go to the person's profile I want to respond to and send a PM to them that way.

007troutman probably has a ton of PMs that he has no idea why he got them.
I've received several pm's no problem over the last coule of weeks. 7 during the last week, and 13 in February.
anything is possible , there is quite a bit of censorship here
I think there is a problem also. Not every time. But some PMs apparently do not go through.
Agree it happens on occasion, but I also tell that to my wife when she tries to calls me and leaves a message. LOL
Maybe it's the preveiw button, I know I sometimes hit it by mistake and that doesn't go through, but I usually catch it when I do.
Well we don't want censorship on Paflyfish!

cen•sor•ship |?sens?r,SHip|
the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts: the reports were eliminated from the site due to censorship.

We all know how nasty censorship can be to a site and the last thing you would want to do is suppress or hold back information. Glad we can agree on that!
The only time I've had a PM not go through was when I took too long to think about what I wanted to say, and ran past the time limit?
The PM issue is an problem I am aware of and working on along with a few other bugs. Thanks for all your patience.