Pine creek Berks co. Access



New member
Oct 28, 2016
Hope this question doesn't violate forum etiquette.

Does anyone know where the public access for pine creek Berks county (the one near Hawk mountain) is? I can't seem to locate the public land on Google maps.

PaulItaliano wrote:
Hope this question doesn't violate forum etiquette.

Does anyone know where the public access for pine creek Berks county (the one near Hawk mountain) is? I can't seem to locate the public land on Google maps.


The PFBC Trout Stream Map shows all streams and public lands.

Just access the map through the link above and zoom into the area.
The stream largely flows through private land, but most of it is open to fishing, at least in the stocked stretch. Despite that program's detractors here, keeping private land open to fishing is a big advantage to the program in regions that are not blessed with seemingly unlimited public land. And the PFBC WCO's have made frequent and extensive efforts over the decades to keep much of this stocked stream section open to fishing by working with the landowners to address their concerns. If you fish it, I recommend making it a point to thank the landowner.

Seasonally,,and I suspect in wet years like this one, the stocked section in its upper half to three quarter miles can hold a number of wild BT and ST, primarily ST, as well. As for the stretch above the stocked section, the only public access is a bit of the state game land; however, I would also suggest that you knock on a door or two to ask permission to fish the stretch below the SGL. The ST population is worth it.

The unnamed trib to Pine Ck, crossed by the Appalachian Trail, also supports wild ST, but traditionally not below another unnamed trib that flows into it from farm land,,which warms the first unnamed trib described from the confluence of the two to its confluence with Pine Ck.

Finally, in this particular year it would not surprise me if the stocked trout remain in much of the stocked section's length or at least in about half of its length. It is a nice stream to fish and has some surprising hatches in early spring.