Philly Area Guys Night Out



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Hi guys. Just trying to get an idea if the Philly area guys (of course all would be welcome) wanted to plan a get together for a few adult beverages or beverages of your choice. Maybe January or Februrary to get out meet some Philly area guys that we can setup a network to get out together and fish in the upcoming spring. Nothing overly structured just a night out someplace where we can talk fishing, tying, sports, or whatever. It would be nice to put a face to the ID's and know we live close enough by to txt or call one of us for a spur of the moment trip to the Saucon, LL, Monocacy, Bushkill, etc. I'll plan it and let everyone know but wanted to gauge interest.

Thanks guys.
Beverages sound kinda cool... i'm in.
That makes two and I'm sure my new PAFF Philly buddy will join in, so that's 3. Let's see how many guys have interest.
Would be there if I were still a philly guy.

It took me a number of years to build a network of fishing buddies on this site, but the majority of the guys I now fish with were met through this site. It's a good resource for that.

Have fun. I would suggest capones if I were around. :)
i hear that mcfinn is degen so i guess i could get involved in this. Capones.
Adult beverages?!....somehow I knew McFinn would be the first one to respond. If the soiree was in Western PA, it would have been Bruno)..... ;-) :pint: I'm in too.
twist my arm... I could do this.
this sounds cool...count me in as well.
I'm interested in this as well.
Foxgap239 wrote:
trip to the Saucon, LL, Monocacy, Bushkill, etc.

fish, lotsafish, no fish!, fish, whatever.

just so you know. philly is too far to drive because i hate everyone. however i'll just insert myself into your network here. if you come up here (fish, lotsafish, no fish!, whatever) you can let me know and i'll pretend i'm coming until the night before. otherwise, too far. that generally includes "etc," and probably the bushkill.

enjoy your adult beverages.
Im a philly guy, sorta, I live near Eagle. I would be in
ok, I will be in too. Capone's is not too far from me and I have never been there, so I would vote for that.
Okay, this has come together rather nicely. Capones seems to be a majority choice so we'll make it there. I'll look at a calendar and throw out some dates for January. I assume Friday or Saturday nights work for most guys?
Too far to drive, otherwise I would be in.
Csoult, drive to my house, we could drive down together, you could stay overnight and fish the next day. Just throwing it out there. More then likely this will end up at daddios house lol
Capone's! NICE. Can walk there from my place. Good clams casino, better dirty martinis. Fri or sat is cool. And Afish, heritage_angler & i met your pa dutch twin at the jam. We jokingly called him, ' Amishianado', fyi.
mcfinn wrote:
Capone's! NICE. Can walk there from my place. Good clams casino, better dirty martinis. Fri or sat is cool. And Afish, heritage_angler & i met your pa dutch twin at the jam. We jokingly called him, ' Amishianado', fyi.

Amishianado :-o
Might take you up on that Becker. Have to check with the wife first.
Never tried the martini or clams casino.... I couldn't get past the world class beer list and a plate of the best wings in the state.
JayL, I'll do my first wolrd class beer in your honor, what brand?