Personal nemesis

JeffP wrote:
That is funny! I used to buy Pa Anglers when I was a kid. I remember that article so well. I think it was called "My Dyberry Crreek." How I remember that from when I was 10 I wave no idea. I remember other that just made these creeks sound incredible. One on Penns was called "Wild, Clean, and Free" and just peaked my interest. March of the Millipedes on the Octorara?

I used to get PA Angler back in the day. And remember both of those articles too!

I cross over Dyberry creek on my way to the Delaware.
Looked at it a few times, but never tried it.
I'm sure it's not even in the same league as the big D.

Also remember the piece about Penns. The author was Bernie Beegle, who was originally from Pittsburgh.
I understand he owned a fly shop there for a while.
Then sold it, so that he could move to Penns Creek.
Hard to blame him for that!

As for my nemesis -

Shortly after I started FFing, I started reading some articles about the big challenging trout in the Delaware River.
And started making some trips there to give it a go.

Being 7 hours drive away, I sure couldn't get up there often.
Just once a year or so. Often while on family vacations to Maine with the family. And I would stop for just a day on the way up or back

Didn't know anyone else who fished there - and no internet then.
So I basically had to figure it out on my own.

And got my head handed to me for like the first 3-4 times I tried it.

Then one time I finally met another FFer who knew it some.
I was staying at a campground right on the river below Lordville, and got to chatting with this fellow around the fire one night.
He was kinda tight lipped at first. ( this was in the '80's - things were different then)
But after drinking a good bit of whiskey, he finally opened up to me a bit.
And gave me some pretty good tips.
And I finally started catching a few fish there
Well I fished the Lil Lehigh twice in the last week and caught 5 on the first outing including a 19" rainbow.

Fished it yesterday afternoon as well and caught 6 and had a nice brown snap my tippet. One of the 6 was a wild brown about 11 inches. Kinda surprised to catch him right at the pool by the hatchery outflow with all the pressure there.
Any Idea what year/month that Dyberry article was published?
I think you adapt and get good at fishing your local water. Falling Springs was my home water for a couple of years in college back in the early 80’s. I stopped to fish it last year and felt completely lost, finding it hard to believe I could once spend an entire day fishing it.

Mark C
acesedgley wrote:
Any Idea what year/month that Dyberry article was published?
My Dyberry Creek by Allen G. Eastby
Vol. 51 — No. 4 April, 1982

“I think you adapt and get good at fishing your local water. Falling Springs was my home water for a couple of years in college back in the early 80’s. I stopped to fish it last year and felt completely lost, finding it hard to believe I could once spend an entire day fishing it.”

That’s true. Also, back in the 80s Falling Springs actually had a good stock of wild trout averaging 150 kg/ha. As of the 2018 survey, the stream now holds.... 6 kg/ha...
Kind of sad no one mentioned Muddy Creek in York county. I guess it's all on me.