Personal nemesis

Big fishing creek can for sure give you a swift kick in the nuts.
I have never caught anything bigger than 12 or 13 inches on big spring. That creek kills me. Letort is hard but if I pick my spots I can usually get a decent fish. Upper EB delaware is very tough during the summer but I usually do well there too. Those are probably the toughest places i fish.

Spring Creek Caledonia NY was tough before mergansers decimated it but I got pretty good there with midges. Havent fished there since 2014 or so whenever the birds ate all of the trout. It should be rebounding by now. That was a frustrating creek you would see literally hundreds of trout but getting them to eat was tough. There were some big trout there too. They usually only came out at dawn and dusk.
Slate and fishing Creek as well.

There is a local stream that kicks my butt too, but I rarely visit it anymore even though its right there. I have had some good days and big fish too, but most of the time it just frustration and a skunking.
MKern wrote:
There is a local stream that kicks my butt too, but I rarely visit it anymore even though its right there. I have had some good days and big fish too, but most of the time it just frustration and a skunking.

I think I know where you mean...It's no cup of Tea, despite how it looks, and surveys for that matter.
Don’t feel bad, Swattie, many anglers have been humbled by an electrofisher. It used to happen all of the time when surveying Big Spring or some other famous streams where we would have to interrupt anglers’ fishing to complete a fixed, standardized survey site. The anglers would invariably shake their heads and comment on how they had just fished that stretch and caught nothing. They were always nice about it though.

On the other hand when I was stationed early in my career along Logan Branch at the time that it was a stocked trout water anglers used to bitterly complain at our office about how poor the fishing was, how the stream was not stocked with enough fish or frequently enough, etc. Some would be pretty angry or unreasonable and on occasion I was sent out with a backpack shocker to prove a point. It took no more than about 30 yds of electrofishing to serve up the “crow.” We would roll fish right and left and that would shut them up!
Don't listen to Swattie, Ace, and Kern because they don't know Jack ;-)
^Haha, that was good.
For me its always remained the same.

I know so many places and fished so many at different times of the year i have a lot of riddles solved. I can avoid being skunked all year and never fish the same place twice.

Still even though i have had phenomenal days, the Letort is bar none the hardest stream to fish in PA.

Now im into stripers, smallmouth, seasonal large trout, musky and other fish.
The game got more complicated. Its about seasonal movement of trophy fish and finding them in larger watersheds rather than knowing they are in some class A.

I guess the hardest stream in PA is all of them now.
Sorry, I don't allow rivers/creeks/lakes/oceans to get the best of me. It's either a great day of casting or a great day with hookups....
No nemesis ,just fish I hooked and never saw. I hooked a fish in the Hoosic River in Vermont . The line just stopped and when I tightened up on it the fish just swam off and right through the leader like it wasn't there . I hooked another in the Quinebaug River in Connecticut. I was fishing an Olive Matuka Streamer and had a take . That fish just swam off and never slowed down . Ping and the leader broke and it was gone. Maddening when you never see the fish. GG
Oregon_OwlII wrote:
Never ever caught a fish in the DHALO section of Dyberry Creek (in the few times I tried).
HA! I went to the Dyberry once after remembering fondly an article I read in the Pennsylvania Angler Magazine. I even went so far as to get a copy of the article from the PFBC.

I got skunked too and never went back!!
Big Fishing Creek in the Narrows has never treated me well.

Logan Branch has been almost as bad.
That is funny! I used to buy Pa Anglers when I was a kid. I remember that article so well. I think it was called "My Dyberry Crreek." How I remember that from when I was 10 I wave no idea. I remember other that just made these creeks sound incredible. One on Penns was called "Wild, Clean, and Free" and just peaked my interest. March of the Millipedes on the Octorara?
JeffP wrote:
That is funny! I used to buy Pa Anglers when I was a kid. I remember that article so well. I think it was called "My Dyberry Crreek." How I remember that from when I was 10 I wave no idea. I remember other that just made these creeks sound incredible. One on Penns was called "Wild, Clean, and Free" and just peaked my interest. March of the Millipedes on the Octorara?
That's it, "My Dyberry"!! Completely mesmerized me into believing I needed to get there some day!!

I should sue the author & the PFBC for wasted gas money and selling me a bill a goods!! ;-)
Mine right now is the Lackawanna River. Been up there twice this year, skunked twice. I want to figure out the river though, it'll take some time!
Upper Falling Springs, East Branch Delaware, and BFC are a few that come to mind. I have logged a lot of time on Logan over the years, and my first couple seasons were beyond disappointing. Id be beyond excited if I only hooked into a couple fish in a 1/2 day fishing. After really spending some time trying to figure the stream out, I probably have just as much success on Logan as I do on Spring.

On a fun note, I still have never seen but one riser on Logan, and only ever caught one on top - accidentally I might add. Last year during the Grannom hatch, the lower end was swarming with Caddis, and not a single fish found their presence worth the time of day to venture to the top. Gotta love it..