peacock and partridge



Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
I saw these listed on gfen's blog and I thought I would wrap some up for the upcoming Jam. I used to fish a partridge and orange pattern a bit, but peacock herl seems like an even better body.

also, does anyone have any advice on buying partridge? I had a pack of loose feathers from Spirit River and about half of the feathers were chewed up or didn't have good coloration/markings on them. I use them for legs and collars on soft hackles a I better off just buying a whole skin? Thanks.


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Whole skin gives you better control over what you want, those bags seem to contain scraps.

I bought my last skin at Somerset from
Seems to be a toss up to me. $1.50 with 50% waste or $35 for a dead bird skin. LOL. I do agree you get a better ability to find that perfect feather with a skin, but frankly I am not that great.
Badger'll sell you the skins for $15 per.

That's why I buy from them.
do you tie any with red thread and notice a difference? I've seen a lot of patterns tyed with red.
If I can ask, who is Badger?
The loose bagged stuff is so incredibly cheap that I can't justify buying a skin. Yes, there's lots of waste, but we're talking about such an inconsequential cost that I don't care. I use so much partridge that I like to have the bulk bags around. Also, my partridge flies are usually little more than simple fish catchers. I won't be showing them off any time soon.

I do a lot of things to please the tyer rather than the fish, but spending over $10 for partridge ain't one.
Badger= Badger Creek FlyTying or is Mike Hogue's Flys shop and website, i also can attest to Mike being a great guy and also very helpful,Prices are reasonable and service first rate. Also theres a shop in Maryland called Great Feathers they have probabaly the best soft hackle supplies in the mid atlantic,then there Blue Ribbon Flies, the best soft hackle supplies shop in the Rockies i can attest to their qaulity and service skins are top notch servie is five stars, Feather- Craft is also a great resource for Soft hackle supplies and they too rock.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
P.S. try tying the Galagher Special to my knowledge its a potter county favorite and its close to what this pattern looks like. try em in size12, 14, 16, and 18
govtmule wrote:
do you tie any with red thread and notice a difference? I've seen a lot of patterns tyed with red.

Bright orange, don't remember the colour name though. The same one you're supposed to use for the Meck Patriot, I think.

I tend to rib with different colour wires, green wire is sweet.
I think im gonna get a whole skin after the Jam. Badger's stuff looks good. Thanks for the link.

I didn't actually rib these flies. I mounted a fine gold wire with the herl and spun them all together to create a "rope" so to speak, then I palmered it forward (Alec Jackson style). Theyre nothin fancy. I completely forgot that I have a spool of green wire too.
I bought these partridge wings at the VF show from Great Feathers (nice guys too). Already tied a lot of 14s and 16s with these. Im not a partidge expert but for $2.60 it was a deal. The quality seems pretty good too. Id buy these again.

partridge skins is one thing best not ordered over the internet if you use it all the time and are picky like me. I need to see the shades (gray versus brown), sizes and if any of the key feathers are damaged. This is important if you tie a lot of size 16 and smaller.

I've never liked the wings for tying as the hackle is too long and stiff. They are probably inexpensive because they use the neck and shoulders for their loose packs. They do have woodcock, which is hard to find. These are essential for tying smallish sz 16 and size 18 softhackles.
also, does anyone have any advice on buying partridge? I had a pack of loose feathers from Spirit River and about half of the feathers were chewed up or didn't have good coloration/markings on them. I use them for legs and collars on soft hackles a I better off just buying a whole skin? Thanks.

Buy a hungarian or chinese partridge skin... I buy mine at They have a really nice selection of high quality imported skins specifically for soft-hackles and spiders.

Also... the preferred feathers for this are located between the shoulders and are speckled brown. The lighter colored ones you are using have weaker stems (much more flimsy) and don't flare out as well and the hackles collapse onto the fly when wet as opposed to enveloping the fly.