PA Opening Day plans


Roofin' Trouter

Active member
Dec 28, 2022
What are your plans for Pennsylvania's trout opener?
I plan on heading up north Thursday and fish Class As on Friday. I'll probably hit the stocked water sometime late morning Saturday. My expectations are to hear," I don't think they stocked this section" more than once . Hearing people say those words has became a PA tradition of mine.
What do I enjoy most about the PA opener? Its always a pleasure to conversate with fellow PA outdoorsmen . I also enjoy seeing friends and family that travel to trout camp, even the ones I don't like hearing.
What are your Opening Day memories, traditions, plans, and expectations?
What are your plans for Pennsylvania's trout opener?
I'll be in Michigan, helping our son and daughter-in-law move. Planning on going out today and hitting a DHALO nearby with my brother.
Funny - I thought being retired meant I would have more time on the water, not less.
What are your plans for Pennsylvania's trout opener?
I plan on heading up north Thursday and fish Class As on Friday. I'll probably hit the stocked water sometime late morning Saturday. My expectations are to hear," I don't think they stocked this section" more than once . Hearing people say those words has became a PA tradition of mine.
What do I enjoy most about the PA opener? Its always a pleasure to conversate with fellow PA outdoorsmen . I also enjoy seeing friends and family that travel to trout camp, even the ones I don't like hearing.
What are your Opening Day memories, traditions, plans, and expectations?
Probably to drive past the crowds on my way to Fish for early season smallmouth
I’m playing golf this Saturday unless it rains. I have fond memories of opening day as a kid. My dad and I making all our preparations the night before. Waking up early excited to get to the stream. Standing streamside in the cold waiting for the church bell in the little town of Ligonier to chime 8:00am and then tossing a carefully selected worm into Mill Creek. Usually caught several fish to proudly take home to mom to make for dinner. Back then I fished for trout with the standard yellow Eagle Claw fiberglass fly rod. It sure wasn’t fly fishing though. Good memories. No interest at all in opening day now.
No interest at all in opening day now.
Thanks for sharing the memories. My OD interest has waned and I sat a few out but plan on getting on the water this year.
I'm not really into Opening Day as I have a zillion Class A places & Special Regulation sections to fish year long in my area.

In recent years, I've revisited the "Opener" with an old fishing buddy and we've gone out to area "Stocked Trout Waters" for a few hours, just for kicks and memories of fishing as kids...

However unlike when we were kids, I won't do the "opening bell" thing anymore because of crowds & ignorance and I can't be bothered unless the weather is PERFECT. :sneaky:

Based on the weather forecast in my area for rain Friday evening into late morning on Saturday I have a feeling I'll be watching "Bugs Bunny & Friends" on MeTV at the opening bell and probably pass on the whole day...
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...Back then I fished for trout with the standard yellow Eagle Claw fiberglass fly rod. It sure wasn’t fly fishing though...

I still have my yellow Eagle Claw Trailmaster #M4TMUL-6-1/2 foot fly/spin rod that was with me on many an "Opening Day."

IF I go out at all on Saturday, I'll be fishing with it again using the same Garcia Mitchell 408 that was its mate those many years ago... :)
I am going to burn a shed down with the supervision of the local fire department. They are going to be there to help ensure that the blaze doesn't get out of control. I might fish in the evening, but definitely not the morning since I have to get rid of this building.

I love it when people start saying something is "fished out" after only a couple of weeks because they can't catch fish easily anymore.
Plan to be on some stocked stream with my spinning rod and a few different baits and lures. Might be with some family or just see them on the stream. Will try to catch a few to eat. Have missed a few openers but not many. So probably have fished in the neighborhood of at least 50 trout season openers. Good luck to everyone.
I plan to say away from any open water. Let those who look forward to this day enjoy the tradition and time spent with family and friends.
I am going to burn a shed down with the supervision of the local fire department. They are going to be there to help ensure that the blaze doesn't get out of control. I might fish in the evening, but definitely not the morning since I have to get rid of this building.

I love it when people start saying something is "fished out" after only a couple of weeks because they can't catch fish easily anymore.
Or.. " If they stocked where are all them palomino fish". The things you hear on PA cricks....
I have trees need cut up but it looks like wind potential on Saturday. I try to stay out when its windy with all the dead ash trees.Might impact your burning plans?
Or.. " If they stocked where are all them palomino fish". The things you hear on PA cricks....
I have trees need cut up but it looks like wind potential on Saturday. I try to stay out when its windy with all the dead ash trees.Might impact your burning plans?
Wind isn't ideal to burn down a building, but it is supposed to be raining and that is pretty ideal for burning down a building.
Wild trout waters hopefully to myself in the morning, then once everyone quits by early afternoon, I'll catch some dinner on a local stocked stream.
Seeking out peace and tranquility! In other words, avoiding stocked streams at all costs, and finding something else to do. Avoiding them for several weeks does wonders for my mental health.
Removing my limit of stockers from a creek full of wild fish. Has become the tradition. A bit sad to see it turn from brooks to now wild tigers, browns, and bows but still better than all stockers. It's a hike back to that creek so I'm hoping I won't see anyone there, only ever seen one person in the years I've been fishing it.
Surprised not much Opening Day bashers!! Glad to hear deference to the many of us who grew-up and bonded on the OD holiday. Now let’s gets Deer Opener back to Monday!!