PA Fishing License Display Rule Being Changed

How many of you have lost your license because the fastener failed or got caught on a tree?
allthingsfishing wrote:
How many of you have lost your license because the fastener failed or got caught on a tree?

Dear allthings,

Not me, but I buy my license on line every three years and print about a dozen of them each time I buy one.

If I lose all those licenses it's squarely my fault. I have several holders, and try to stick one on every pack or bag that I carry, but I have spares of spares, both in the truck and in the house.


Tim Murphy :)
I shoot skeet with a lawyer, and he said that not having your license displayed means that an officer has probable cause to ask you for ID and the license information. This is from him. I'm just relating it, so don't ask me any more, but that's what he said was a benefit for the WCO.
allthingsfishing wrote:
How many of you have lost your license because the fastener failed or got caught on a tree?

I lost a hunting license once in the woods because of having to display it. I later found it in the Spring after buying a replacement (before I had internet).

I've lost the license button every year they've issued it. I even smash the clasp. Luckily it's been in my net, in my truck or my buddy's truck, once it was in a parking area.

I like Florida's laminate license (like a driver's license). I also like their buying options, you pay for 365 days from the date of your choosing.
I also have lost mine. I also printed extra copies of my lifetime license for the next time I lose one.
allthingsfishing wrote:
How many of you have lost your license because the fastener failed or got caught on a tree?

I've lost my share of licenses. Mainly from the fastener failing.
I started glueing the pin to - hopefully - keep it from happening.
But I lost one last year when I was fishing a rather brushy area.
Guess it caught on something and tore right off - glue and all.

So, I'd sure be glad to see the display rule changed.
In 2010 I was checked by a national park police (not sure what they are called) at valley creek. I showed the license on my phone and didnt get a ticket but the cop made me stop fishing.

I also got a ticket at Ridley creek for having a non resident license with no trout stamp. Fine was around 300 bucks...

I am certainly not a poacher and always get licenses. I may be the minority but authorities in pa definitley check licenses
Sylvaneous wrote:

I shoot skeet with a lawyer, and he said that not having your license displayed means that an officer has probable cause to ask you for ID and the license information. This is from him. I'm just relating it, so don't ask me any more, but that's what he said was a benefit for the WCO.

Still no big deal..... if you're not doing anything wrong.

Why worry about getting checked for a license, or anything else, if you're not breaking any laws?

We no longer need to display our hunting licenses. I've been checked a couple times. Both were no more involved than "Can I see your license and ID please? Looks good, thanks for wearing your orange. Have a great day".

Again, they are trained, just like most law enforcement, to know when they need to dig deeper.

If you're doing everything right, it's really not a big hassle to show your license, chat for a minute, and then go on with your life.

Mike wrote:

As for me, I will continue to wear my license on my shoulder bag in which I pack my lures, flies, needlenose, knife, stringer, emergency power bait, etc.. I don’t need another card or piece of paper in my wallet and, as others have said, I’ll make life easier for the WCO’s and me.

Now YOU..... you need checked thoroughly and often. :-o :hammer:

WCO's do look! A couple of years ago my brother in law, Matt, and son were up from Florida and wanted to fish. i reminded him that he needed a license. Matt, and my wife, laughed it off. We went wet wading in the Breeches. About an hour in, i see Matt on the bank talking to a WCO--a $175 ticket! The WCO saw Matt's truck decked out with camo and a gun rack and said that Matt certainly knew better. I made my wife pay the fine.

i'll keep displaying mine although i like the option.
I made my wife pay the fine.

LOL - I defiantly have seen them checking in Erie and around Tionesta. Tionesta I see them not in uniform walking around. Cop hair cut and cop sunglasses not to hard to spot Kinda like outside a concert



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Once I was checked in VA while in the Navy. My D.L. and License plate were still from CA. He was questioning why I had a VA Resident license and a CA D.L. So I had to inform him of the regulations. And told him to look it up if he didn't believe me.
I was stalked on the Little J by a WCO for over 45 minutes many years ago. Not sure if he knew I was aware he was there or not, but he wasn't the stealthiest of mover through brush at 75-100 yds. I guess I looked fishy as he followed me over a decent stretch of water.

I too have temporarily misplaced the button a time or two. I paid up for the laminated license when I purchased a 5 year license in 17.
Not sure why, but last year I think I purchased the wrong package, (Erie combo? hardware store employee wasn't too hip on computer)... in addition to the yellow tag, I also received a hard identification card in the mail a few days later not unlike a driver's license.
Mike B
Dave_W wrote:
I thought the display requirement had been revoked some years ago?

I still wear mine and will likely continue to do so.

I'm not sure about a digital license on the phone - this could pose some problems.

From what I understand, you can pack your paper license if you bought and display the button.
>>From what I understand, you can pack your paper license if you bought and display the button.>>

If by "pack", you mean that you need not worry about carrying the paper/hard copy license if you are displaying the button, I'm not so sure..

I was checked twice this past year not far from home by deputy WCOs. Both times, I was displaying the button but they also wanted to see the hard copy which I had in my wallet and on my person.

It may be that the actual requirement is fuzzy enough that it is left to the individual WCO's discretion to demand to see the hard copy.
I dunno..

It all becomes kinda moot anyway given the change in the law.
I just went out and tried to streamer fish for some browns after all if that rain, unsuccessfully, I might add, and when transferring everything to this new vest I picked up I became aware that I didn't even have my license. I think I know where it is, though .
RLeep2 wrote:
>>From what I understand, you can pack your paper license if you bought and display the button.>>

If by "pack", you mean that you need not worry about carrying the paper/hard copy license if you are displaying the button, I'm not so sure..

I was checked twice this past year not far from home by deputy WCOs. Both times, I was displaying the button but they also wanted to see the hard copy which I had in my wallet and on my person.

It may be that the actual requirement is fuzzy enough that it is left to the individual WCO's discretion to demand to see the hard copy.
I dunno..

It all becomes kinda moot anyway given the change in the law.
There is nothing "fuzzy" about the requirement. You must display either your license or your button. If you display the button you must carry your license and provide it to an officer upon request.

PA Code Title 58
§ 63.2. Display of fishing license and verification of license purchase.
(a) Officers designated to check licenses. A person fishing in waters of this Commonwealth or in boundary waters shall show his fishing license upon the request of a waterways conservation officer, deputy waterways conservation officer or other officer authorized to enforce the code or this title under section 903 of the code (relating to delegation of enforcement powers).

(b) Display on an outer garment. It is unlawful for a person required by Chapter 27 of the code (relating to fishing licenses) to purchase a fishing license to fish in the waters of this Commonwealth or in boundary waters unless the person displays the license certificate, a license button or other device approved by the Executive Director on a hat or outer garment while fishing. A warning will be issued for a first violation of this section if the person has a valid fishing license in his possession and about his person and shows it upon request. An institutional license issued under section 2708 of the code (relating to institutional licenses) may be displayed or maintained by the person fishing or by the person attending the person who is fishing. If a license button or other device is displayed instead of the license certificate, the person shall carry the license certificate about his person.
I haven’t displayed my license in years. I lost 2 in one year and said that was enough. I’ve been checked a few times and they didn’t seem too concerned about it. Maybe I’ve just been lucky and didn’t catch one on a bad day.