Orvis Announcement



Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
Currently ADK; formerly DWG
Based on Rosenbauer's non-announcement on his podcast, sounds like Orvis is set to announce the H4s tomorrow.

Anyone gonna run out and buy one? Any inside info on what the changes will be? Will we get a new industry standard pricepoint jump to $2000??

I will never be able to afford one of these rods. Just curious about others' opinions.
It will be way out of my price range regardless.
With such a high standard already set for rods from $150 - $550 (+/-), is there any reason to spend more? Certainly, at around $550, the price-performance curve flattens.

I wonder where the practical ceiling is for the price of fishing gear (rods, reels, waders, etc.).

I look at the R8 Core, Asqueth, and others at that level and think "That's nice" and move along, just as I do for super expensive cars. They're not even a consideration for me. I could afford them, but there are always trade-offs with what I can't (or shouldn't) buy because I bought an $1100 fly rod.

Caveat emptor.
With such a high standard already set for rods from $150 - $550 (+/-), is there any reason to spend more? Certainly, at around $550, the price-performance curve flattens.

I wonder where the practical ceiling is for the price of fishing gear (rods, reels, waders, etc.).

I look at the R8 Core, Asqueth, and others at that level and think "That's nice" and move along, just as I do for super expensive cars. They're not even a consideration for me. I could afford them, but there are always trade-offs with what I can't (or shouldn't) buy because I bought an $1100 fly rod.

Caveat emptor.

You're buying an h3 on clearance? 🤣

I got one for bass fishing last year and they are pretty sweet
I hope to someday get to the point where my skills are such that a rod of that quality will make a difference.
Nah, I'm sure they'll be nice though. The H3's are sweet rods, I've fished them a few times with guides.

I prefer my gen 1 Recon, which I picked up when the gen 2 Recon's came out.
Dynamite is cheaper, catches more fish on average and is about as much fun.
My grandfather used to always say, new golf clubs won't make you a better golfer.

Fly fisherman get sucked into marketing way too easily. I'm sure it's a great rod, but unless you've been putting off an upgrade for the past decade or more, will it truly make you that much better? Focus on your techniques with what you have and then maybe if you feel so inclined and you have the means, upgrade. It's crazy how many websites allow installment payments. Do you really need it if it takes months to pay off?

I always find it hilarious too when people post photos promoting their shiny new patterned reel, rod, or any other piece of equipment. To me it says you care more about your purchase than the experience and fish! Free advertising for companies! We all need a Hatch reel now!

I like to use my gear and enjoy it for a long time. Good quality stuff. The longer you fish it, the more soul it acquires.
My 2 cents....
People can spend what they want on a rod. None of my business and I dont judge. My butt starts puckering around 500 and completely seals off at 600.
I rather build my own for that price pretty much why I started building them in the first place.
$2000? Where does that number come from?
Based on Rosenbauer's non-announcement on his podcast, sounds like Orvis is set to announce the H4s tomorrow.

Anyone gonna run out and buy one? Any inside info on what the changes will be? Will we get a new industry standard pricepoint jump to $2000??

I will never be able to afford one of these rods. Just curious about others' opinions.
I'd be willing to bet somewhere between 1200-1300 bucks. Which is just plain silly. I wasn't a fan of the H3 (not because of the white sticker) and I doubt I'll like the H4. I'll throw my money at a company like Hardy where the product developer actually is a dyed in the wool angler, unlike Orvis.
I had heard that they’re going a different direction than an H4, instead favoring more specialized product lines (dry fly, euro, streamer). Interested to see what they come out with, will likely end up with one at some point. Definitely hard disagree with the sentiment that a higher quality rod doesn’t make your fishing more enjoyable or better but haven’t been a fan of Orvis’s more plasticky feel these last few years. You are absolutely kidding yourself if you think a 300$ redington is gonna perform on par with a 1000$ T&T or Winston- not even in the same area code.

I’ll wait till the early adopters iron out the kinks and figure out which tapers are the best, and until somebody I know who has a pro deal can get me one for 40% off🤣.
Friend of mine in the UK said they're 1200 GBP over there, released a couple days ago.
Blackfoot River Outfitters has H3 5wts in D and F models for 45% off. 8 1/2 and 9 ft.
If I wanted to spend $2K+ on a pastime (all at one stroke), I'd take up golf.