Opening Day 2022 - Who else was out with Fly Rod?



Active member
Dec 14, 2008
I enjoy opening day, if nothing else, for the spectacle. Any other time, I run from people on the stream. I was on open water on the Yellow Breeches in Cumberland County. Landed 3, lost 3, all bows. Water was perfect color after the rain and 50*, air temp was 40.

i did not see anyone else with a fly rod. Was much less crowded than previous years, Maybe 30% lower at the spot that I was at. dont know if locals that had northern camps went there, or if the northern folks did not travel down, since there is no longer a split opener. Either way, much more pleasant conditions.
I was, but I was out in South Carolina instead of PA this year.


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I didn't go fishing today and won't tomorrow. I want everyone else to have fun on opening day since I can always go fishing at my R&G club.

As a young boy, I always looked forward to O.D.

I have caught may trout on spinning tackle, especially on canoe trips. It is much easier to spin fish with a 5' ultra-light than it is with a fly rod in a canoe.

There really aren't that many places where canoe trips and trout fishing coincide, but I have experienced this.
Where in South Carolina? Walhalla? GG
My wife said "It's nice out, you should go fishing". I stuck my head out the door and wondered if she just wanted to get rid of me. Too darn cold out there. As a young boy, and maybe to my mid 30's OD was an event I looked forward to. Now I have zero interest to go out. I'd prefer to wait for temperatures in the mid 60's and have a better likelihood of seeing some rising fish.
My first opening day since the early 80's. We didn't even start till 10:00. People were getting cold and starting to leave. High 30's in the mountains.
Driving away, we saw a group of at least four frantically flailing the water with spinning rods in the fly fishing only area. I'd been there two hours before and know there were half a dozen visible trout that hadn't taken anything I offered.
Oh, what fresh hell is this?
I sold capital equipment in NC, SC, TN, and VA. I know exactly where Walhalla is located.

I have heard people say for many years that Penn State is in the middle of nowhere.

Clemson University is much more in the middle of nowhere than State College, PA.
Oh, I don't know about that. Admittedly, I haven't lived in the State College area for about 35 years (now live in exteme NC PA seasonally), but I feel like central PA is really lacking in some amenities (I'm a rural person by nature and I tend to LIKE living in the middle of nowhere). Clemson is a smallish town, but Greenville's close by, as is Anderson. Anderson's probably smaller than State College, but Greenville's bigger and if you include all of the "suburbs", it's a LOT bigger. Clemson's also less than 2 hours from Atlanta and probably about the same distance to Charlotte, so it wins in that regard too. I get your point though, you really don't have to drive too far out of Clemson to be out there.
I was out today FFing for pelletheads and caught quite a few.

I've been fishing for stocked trout on opening day with my Dad since I was age 5 or 6 .

My Dad is gone, but I keep the tradition going every opening day.
Played 18 holes
Drove around to look at the stocking pools near bridges this a.m. and then drove to a local lake to see how crowded it was. The stream feeding the lake had the most vehicles and fishermen. It appeared that many of the fishermen were family groups that were put off by last Saturday's horrid weather on the mentored youth day. Though cold, the weather was bearable around here this morning, and it appeared that the gatherings of fishermen and their families were having fun.

I though about fishing this afternoon, but my wife persuaded me that I should take a 45-minute walk with her and her dog (named Sage) instead of fishing, so I did. The we drove down past the LJR, which had only a few people fishing. Came home to get ready to watch the NCAA games this evening.
I’ve been fishing opening day for 50 years although I don’t use worms any more. I drove up the Breeches from the mouth stopping at my faves just to watch and snap some pics. Childrens Lake was a hoot. A palamino was swimming in circles near the outfall driving everyone crazy. YBAC was selling food at Precision in Mt Holly. I finally wet a line up Pine Road around 1. Lots of wild browns to hand as well as many fat pelletheads. My Euro outdid the power bait boys. Then switched to a brace of wets when the wild ones started taking an assortment of bugs in the riffles. A great day.


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Yep, I hit the water the water around 10 and fished till 1. It was cold. Bait and spinner fishermen did fairly well. One other flyfisherman caught a few on eggs. I hooked a few on a pink hairs ear. ( see the what are you tying today thread page 21)

Complements to the PAFBC. All nice fish, Rainbows 11-14 inches.

Lehigh River White Haven Area.

Air Temp was 34 at 10:00 am. Got warmer as day progressed. Rumor had water at 41 though I did not check it.
As much as I hate the crowds, I can hardly wait for opening day. To me it signals the start of spring, easy fishing and the opportunity to fish anywhere. I've been out quite a bit before OD and had some great days, but it's nice to be able to fish close to home. Friday morning (day before opener) I got up in the dark and drove 45 min. to fish a wild stream. I thought The bite would be on since the water was up and stained, but fishing was terrible, only caught 3 small browns in 5 hrs.

Yesterday I slept in, took my time with breakfast and coffee. Drove 5 min. to my local creek and started about 10:30. As I pulled into the parking lot I saw 5 people leaving and then passed 3 more. It was a little slow in the beginning but as the sun warmed the water a bit they seemed to turn on, or maybe I just found fish. Had a great day, caught a pile of fish on several different nymphs tight lining.
Ganggreen, I love the rod! Did you make it? I've never seen light blue line before!
Ganggreen, I love the rod! Did you make it? I've never seen light blue line before!

This rod was actually made by a friend and given to me, but he then offered to teach me to build my own and I built THIS one. Thanks.


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Haven't seen a PA opening day in 20+ years. Did NY opener 15 years ago and it was entirely too cold and high water conditions. I'm with mcsneek....golfed.
Not Saturday but hit up some stockies at my buddies camp in Snow Shoe yesterday. I used my new euro rod and got into a few but it was really cold and snowing/raining in the morning.