On The Board - 2020

Had the opportunity to fish Penns yesterday with a buddy. We each picked up 3. All browns. Got to watch 2 mink playing along the creek. only saw 2 other guys fishing which surprised me. I thought there would be more people out on such a nice day.
Ended the day picking up after some slobs. 3 beer cans and a Salsa jar. Who takes salsa to the creek?
Salsa = chum? GG
A couple of nice ones from the first two weeks of January 2020. The wild brown gave me a hell of a fight and the old rainbow stockie had an encounter with someone else recently.


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coyoterahn wrote:
3 beer cans and a Salsa jar. Who takes salsa to the creek?

Sounds like spincasters to me. If it were guac or some high roller 7 layer dip, I’d be more inclined to think fly guys. But store bought salsa, straight from the jar, that’s pretty scuzzy if you ask me.

What kind of beer cans? We need all the clues here to be sure. They weren't PBR were they?...That would be a big curveball coupled with the bargain basement snack fare.
Naw, no PBR but close. 2 Busch and a coors lite. Probably left by flatlanders huh?
Eh, tough to say. Could also be Master Baiters. But they’d be an odd sight on Penns, depending on specifically where you were I guess.

I’m comfortable pinning this on the Spincasters though. Send it to the jury.
D-nymph wrote:
34" on the board

So you do catch fish, I was wondering if you just like to go out and cast your line on the water.
Got into some nice browns the other day


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D-nymph wrote:
Sick burn brah!

Don't you worry plenty more of were that came from .
Another one for an all in good start into 2020!


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I finally got out for the first time in 2020 yesterday afternoon for a few hours. We received a nice shot of rain Saturday and creek levels were still up but falling Sunday afternoon. It didn't take too long to hook a fish.


Flow was in great shape. While the volume was about the same as the last time I had fished the stream, the habitat was in much better shape, as a lot of the leaves and silt had been flushed out. There's some new woody debris in the stream too, which is creating some new habitat.



End up catching just two fish, and seeing just a total of six, including the two I caught.


Towards the end, I saw some movement by the bank as I was fishing upstream. Turned out to be a doe that must have been shot during hunting season. She was trying to climb the bank, but could only move her front two legs and she kept falling over into the seep that was there. I was really surprised that the coyotes hadn't found her yet. On the way out, I walked out on the side of the bank she was trying to climb out. She saw me and managed to haul herself across the small floodplain, across the creek and up the bank on the opposite side, all using her front two feet.

Regardless, it was a nice day to be out. Despite not seeing too many fish, two that I missed will stick with me. The one fish, maybe 14-15" followed my bugger right to my feet and snipped at it, just at the end of my retrieve. The second fish showed itself after a toss to the tail of a pool. I just started the retrieve, when a larger black shape rose out of the slightly off-color water and swiped at it. I reacted too quickly and pulled the bugger right out of his swipe zone and he wised up pretty quickly, as that was the last I saw of him.

I walked out in the dark, after sampling a Founders Underground Mountain Brown and a Bobo's Peanut Butter and Jelly oatmeal cake. Near the car, I heard a metallic banging noise and thought someone was beating on the gate or my car. I Looked up the hillside and saw a headlight a few tens of yards away and based on the proximity of the sound, assume the metal banger was also wearing the headlamp. No idea what the individual was doing - stealth camping? Mining gold? Percussion? But I didn't stick around to find out.
Got into them in the cv.


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Hope you reported the deer to the warden so that he could put her out of her misery.
Yeah, too bad about that deer.Definitely report it.
I got a few small ones, Even saw some eating midges on top about two weeks ago. I am not good with posting photos.
I can't see a lot of the photos in above posts and some others on forum. Is it on my end ? I saw them and now they are gone.
Couldn’t resist a cross post


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Man, January was an active one. I miss snow and cold, but this is one upside, I guess. I logged 10 trips in the month, which might be a new record. Larger fish seemed to be waking up for me last week in SEPA.



Nice fish and maybe a prelude to a great year and a super Jam. GG