On my way to the Pohopoco



Nov 29, 2017
So yesterday on my way to the po, I passed what looked like a nice little gem of a stream that I have not noticed before. Looked it up and it is very small and not stocked in any way, but I thought, what the hell, Im passing it anyway. Great water but did not see any fish and access was difficult due to my disability.

I fished for about a 1/2 hour and came to a hole that just looked right. First cast with a Green Weenie under a Rhodo bush and the fight was on. He took me under two logs and around a big bush but taking my time and sending my fly rod through and around some obstacles, I managed to get him in hand. Again, I made sure to get my hand wet and only held the fish for one quick picture as he was to beautiful to not record.

Tight Lines !!



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Gotta love it!
Congratulations on your recent success!

Never gets old , always somewhere to check out and always some fish to fish for and then there are hatches and rises!!!