Old new guy

rancid waders

Active member
Apr 25, 2023
Snitz crick
Hello new member here. I was fortunate to grow up with a father who fished in the 60's and turned me on to fly fishing by the time I was 8. Lived across from the springs at Laurel Run in Muhlenberg park and the Skook was a short bike ride away. Fishing, salamanders,snakes and crawfish were my childhood. Since then have fished in Ak, Belize and several western states over the years. Steelhead, salmon and browns are my favorites these days. Favorite dry is a mouse
Glad to have you aboard. GG
Welcome aboard!


Tim Murphy 🙂
Hey RW - like your location - Snitz Crick! I heard the term snitz when playing pinochle with a guy 40 years ago. And not since. His term for the time when you got zero points as the hand played out. Zero points - you got SNITZED.
Rancid, welcome. I imagine you have a lot to teach us with your varied experiences.
Hello new member here. I was fortunate to grow up with a father who fished in the 60's and turned me on to fly fishing by the time I was 8. Lived across from the springs at Laurel Run in Muhlenberg park and the Skook was a short bike ride away. Fishing, salamanders,snakes and crawfish were my childhood. Since then have fished in Ak, Belize and several western states over the years. Steelhead, salmon and browns are my favorites these days. Favorite dry is a mouse
I’m considering checking out Laurel run one morning this week before work. I have an itch to trout fish. I’ve gotten hits in there before but no catch. Also interested to see what temp it reads. I also fish the Skook often on river road with the conventional gear for smallies. I’d love to catch something in Laurel just to see it’s possible and another option for me.