Off Topic- My Recovery, Good news



Active member
Sep 13, 2006

I've been trying to avoid posting the news of my recovery too often. I think the YouTube video link in my signature is plenty indulgent enough. Still, yesterday's news is worth sharing.

Paul G, my ole fishin' buddy, took me to a doctor's appt. The results of my latest MRI were in. They took scans of my spinal cord at the point of the injury. Evidently, the spinal cord dies below the point of injury. In the case of an incomplete injury, such as mine, the nerves die in line behind the injury. So what you have is a partial spinal cord. The level of your recovery is then limited by two things... the injury itself and the resulting atrophying of the spinal cord behind it.

Well, in my case, the cord is fighting the good fight. I have an injury to the spinal cord (obviously), but nerves behind it do not appear to be dying off. This means I have the potential for a better than expected recovery.

Of course, I have to be pretty realistic in my expectations. The cord is damaged at the site of the injury. So I will never regain full use of my body below that injury. But I should continue to regain movement and strength. Maybe I will be able to get around with a walker, and, like Doc Fritchey used to do... use a walker to get out into a stream and fish from a lawn chair! It'd be fun to fish the Green Drake hatch that way! :-D

Thanks for all the good wishes I have been receiving. It makes a big difference to know that there are so many good folk behind me.
Great news.

Well done man, keep up the good fight.

Good luck,
Great to hear! I am confident you will be fishing again soon. Keep working hard.
That is good news! Keep up the good work. Maybe even before you're ready for Green Drake madness, you'd be able to try some bluegill fishing at a lake or pond? It's a lot of fun either with fly gear or with spin gear, bobber and worm. That's the first fishing I ever did and I still enjoy it.
Great to hear Pad!
I knew a guy in CA that would fish from a small cataraft. In a long slow pool he would just paddle into position and drop anchor. He needed some help getting it from car to h20 but said he loved it once he was in it. You sit up pretty high so casting was a dream.
Way to go Pad! Give 'em hell!


That's great news! After seeing you manuever around in that wheelchair I have no doubt you'll be back fishing some way some how.

It was good seeing you and catching up just a little. Hang in there Buddy!

Tim B.
Keep working at it. One of my conservation heroes had a leg amputated at age 78, and he now gets out to Yellow Creek occasionally and is able to do some fishing--and he catches nice trout. I personally saw him land a rainbow of 24" last summer. Never give up! Your news sounds good, and I will be that you will be able to hit the water before you now even think you will. Keep working at it.
Congratulations, that's GREAT news! Keep fighting it, I fully believe that a strong will to recover from health issues makes a big difference in the outcome. Hang in there and stay strong.

Here's to the best recovery you can possibly have and more days on the water!

It sure made my day, It made the long wait at the office worth it!

Im here for you my friend!

Good new's Pad, keep the road to recovery shorter and shorter....
Atta Boy Padriac!!! My Dad and my family are here for you....