Off on a tangent.....



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
No doubt threads seem go off in another direction much too often on here as many board members have voiced lately.

The ironic thing is those that complain about this in the thread actually perpetuate this trend instead of ignoring it and keeping their posts on subject.

In other words the incessant comments about the interloper's comments are as distracting as the change the direction in the conversation made by this interloper.

Everyone should make an effort to keep threads on-subject rather than trying push the conversation in another direction.

And anyone who feels strongly about any FFing related subject should start another thread and not try to force feed their info or opinions in an unrelated thread.

If any member tries to steer the thread in another direction, just ignore that post and move on with the subject at hand.

Good fishin' to all and have a great holiday season.
No doubt threads seem go off in another direction much too often on here as many board members have voiced lately.

The ironic thing is those that complain about this in the thread actually perpetuate this trend instead of ignoring it and keeping their posts on subject.

In other words the incessant comments about the interloper's comments are as distracting as the change the direction in the conversation made by this interloper.

Everyone should make an effort to keep threads on-subject rather than trying push the conversation in another direction.

And anyone who feels strongly about any FFing related subject should start another thread and not try to force feed their info or opinions in an unrelated thread.

If any member tries to steer the thread in another direction, just ignore that post and move on with the subject at hand.

Good fishin' to all and have a great holiday season.
I know moderating a forum is a lot of work, and I do appreciate the work you guys put in. However, I don't think this is a fair request. It is like asking your kid to ignore the bully that punches him at school everyday. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

Letting someone express their opinions is obviously important. But to allow the continued bashing of certain organizations, fisheries, and sporting activities and traditions from 1-2 people in almost every thread that gets posted here, all over an extremely obvious agenda, and asking people to not have counter arguments to those points is not fair to those organizations that are out there doing loads of important work to make sure we have the outstanding fisheries we do in this state.

I know there is no good answer here, and I usually do my best to stay out of it, but you can only read the same extreme views and ridiculous tags put on things so many times before you have to speak up and let them know how ridiculous they sound.
those organizations that are out there doing loads of important work to make sure we have the outstanding fisheries we do in this state.
I'm not going to argue or comment any further on this thread, but that in of itself is a subjective statement that not everyone agrees with.
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I know moderating a forum is a lot of work, and I do appreciate the work you guys put in. However, I don't think this is a fair request. It is like asking your kid to ignore the bully that punches him at school everyday. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

Letting someone express their opinions is obviously important. But to allow the continued bashing of certain organizations, fisheries, and sporting activities and traditions from 1-2 people in almost every thread that gets posted here, all over an extremely obvious agenda, and asking people to not have counter arguments to those points is not fair to those organizations that are out there doing loads of important work to make sure we have the outstanding fisheries we do in this state.

I know there is no good answer here, and I usually do my best to stay out of it, but you can only read the same extreme views and ridiculous tags put on things so many times before you have to speak up and let them know how ridiculous they sound.
Again you are using the extreme word again. Its that kind of language that makes these things go even more off the rails. And people holding public servants accountable is a staple of democracy. There are a good amount of people who view your ideas about protecting invasive species as extreme and the need of many to come on the conservation forum on the specific threads about these issues where these discussions should take place. This post is just as much about the threads I have started and people have come in with personal attacks, efforts at censorship/self moderating based on their comfort zone, are the real extremists. These people attacked me as soon as I joined this site with no knowledge of who I was or what I stand for the first time I posted any scientific communication on invasive trout. This is just as much about those people
Case and point
Notably that was well after i left that one. Where i as the noble sense of loyalty to the OP so often brought up because the factual discussion about brown trout that made them feel go into anal fibrillation stoped. They seemed to be ok with derailing and thready jacking themselves. So I guess who can do it? Everyone or no-one?
Yea it just so happens the bleeding heart for the OP who got their thread jacked applies unless that person is talking about invasive species as a conservation issue. I guess the universal rule is its ok for the people to come into my threads in the conservation forum and post random attacks. You can look up any of my posts in the past two years and they have never gone more than 5-10 posts deep before the same 5-6 inflexible people who ironically like to use the word “extremist” jump with NOT ONLY something off topic but insulting because of how what scientists write down makes them feel
Arguing for fiscal/environmental responsibility =extremism

Advocating Bankrupting a wildlife management agency to make invasive species at all costs=totally sane
If any member tries to steer the thread in another direction, just ignore that post and move on with the subject at hand.

Good fishin' to all and have a great holiday season.

Ignore "A" comment that's off topic, sure. What about when the individual(s) RELENTLESSLY derail every thread and won't stop posting. Are you going to grenade that specific thread? Rather than punish the masses, remove the irritant. That seems easier and more fair to the long term members / participants.

As you can see here already, one individual felt the need to post 5 times already. Yep that's 5 out of 12 posts belong to one person. Not exactly normal behavior
Thanks Tom for approaching this topic. We have been getting a lot of messages on this issue.

Some people need to do a better job at reading the room and if that's too hard self awareness maybe a better starting point.

This is a forum for everyone, but I will say if some people are gonna be a PITA about things maybe they might enjoy going to another forum for their style of online activity. If you even think for a second is Dave talking about me? Well I probably am. Dial back the rants and excessive hijacked threads of your personal religious view of trout. I think we've gotten to that point with some topics. After reading several of these threads aren't we just beating dead horses over and over again.

I actually have heard from many people and see a lot of restraint. Thank you.

The Grinch
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I'm the quiet moderator, but I see what Tom and Dave see.