Off on a tangent.....

Those were the two longest Yelp reviews I ever read from the same person, back to back.
I was told I run this site like "Communist China" and some people say I have done a great job. Another interesting week. Anyway I really shouldn't dwell on it too much. Here is some wise words of wisdom from ChatGPT about trying to please people:

"Wisdom lies in recognizing the balance between kindness and authenticity. While it's noble to bring joy to others, remember that you can't please everyone. Be true to yourself, embrace your values, and offer your genuine self to the world. In doing so, you'll attract those who appreciate you for who you are. Strive for genuine connections over universal approval, for authenticity has a lasting impact that transcends fleeting moments of validation." - ChatGPT 3.5

Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming. I like hearing from everyone. Thank you @afishinado
I was told I run this site like "Communist China" and some people say I have done a great job. Another interesting week. Anyway I really shouldn't dwell on it too much. Here is some wise words of wisdom from ChatGPT about trying to please people:

"Wisdom lies in recognizing the balance between kindness and authenticity. While it's noble to bring joy to others, remember that you can't please everyone. Be true to yourself, embrace your values, and offer your genuine self to the world. In doing so, you'll attract those who appreciate you for who you are. Strive for genuine connections over universal approval, for authenticity has a lasting impact that transcends fleeting moments of validation." - ChatGPT 3.5

Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming. I like hearing from everyone. Thank you @afishinado
I had a boss years ago tell me don't waste 90 percent of your time trying to please the 10 percent that can't be pleased.
I, too, was thoroughly annoyed by your repeated insistence that I have fewer children and cease being a teacher to move to the countryside to farm.
I was told I run this site like "Communist China" and some people say I have done a great job.
I've been around here for quite a while now, and I also think you've done a great job! Thank you for all your time and effort. I really enjoy PAFF.