No more quiet times in parts of Potter County

Very dangerous activity.

Don’t understand the hilljacks that let their young kids ride atv’s.

There are deaths every week on those things. Never mind the noise to annoy everyone and tear up the soil. Guess it’s a Darwin Award.
Terrible. It's insanity.

Edit: not worth it.

This change is stupid.
If I'm reading the article right, it appears that about 27 additional miles are being added to trails/roads already open to ATV use(?)
While I don't favor this, it doesn't appear that this will result in widespread use by ATVs of sections currently off limits. Might dispersing the ATVs over more trails reduce environmental damage? I'm thinking out loud here.

Down here in SCPA in Michaux we have ATV trails and, while I don't follow this hobby, it appears to me that the numbers of riders has increased over the last year, especially on weekends (no surprise, just like kayaking, fishing, and everything else).

I wonder if DCNR, or a conservation organization, will monitor these new riding spots to document erosion/pollution, etc.? Such data is needed to argue against expanding ATV trails.

The article mentions the fees paid by ATV riders and, I suspect, the increase in funding this brings in will tempt the state to expand the trails.
Yeah. Impact from this “pilot” will be relatively minimal to disrupting the peace of anglers. Lyman Run, Cross Fork, and a short stretch of upper Kettle would seem to be the big impacts from an angler’s perspective.

Question is, will it spread in other areas of the state. Probably. But still, I don’t see a group of ATV’s passing by on a dirt/gravel road bothering me that much while fishing. There’s legal and “rogue” ATV trails all over the place already, everywhere in the woods, and I rarely see ATV’s on them. This will have no appreciable impact on that IMO.

The biggest concern IMO is just needing to be more careful on these roads now while driving your vehicle on them, and watching out for ATV’s. There will be an increase in ATV vs. car accidents because of this. Lots of blind corners, and both ATV’s and cars going too fast on them. You can tell from the map this was set up to allow legal road connections to the main towns and businesses in the area. :pint:
I like the peace and tranquility of fishing in the woods. But my regular spots include fishing under an airport flight path, along a busy freight rail, and by a PGC rifle range. Sure I hate the loud stuff, but it's part of living in Pennsylvania. We're never far from a lot of people. The fish don't seem to care.
My beef, besides the point that I hate them is riding through creeks.

I've seen it first hand on Little Pine & Cross Fork while I was fishing. I couldn't rat them out because there is no cell service and they are not required to have registration tags which WOULD help.

There is NO way they will be able to enforce issues up there with the usual A-holes I see riding them...

...just look what happens in Philly...

Bamboozle wrote:
There is NO way they will be able to enforce issues up there with the usual A-holes I see riding them...

...just look what happens in Philly...
I agree with this thinking. Give them an inch, they take a yard and a half...
BradFromPotter wrote:
Just got off the phone with our state rep Clint Owlette. He informed me that there are huge groups trying to make UTV's legal on all state roads in PA!
I'd have to see that happen before I believe it. Sounds very unrealistic from a safety standpoint.
wildtrout2 wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:
Just got off the phone with our state rep Clint Owlette. He informed me that there are huge groups trying to make UTV's legal on all state roads in PA!
I'd have to see that happen before I believe it. Sounds very unrealistic from a safety standpoint.

I need to clarify . Not 4 lane roads, but all towns.
From the looks of most of those ATV riders they could use a little walking.
I don't think the expansion of atv or utv riding is going to stop without serious evidence to detrimental impacts. Strictly from an environmental perspective, keeping these machines on existing roads would be a major win as opposed to creating new trail systems and allowing off trail use on public lands. I think one of the main needs will be an increased law enforcement presence.

Overall, I hope that nobody is wishing for increased atv and automobile collisions, but this is certainly a risk. If those accidents do increase in the pilot area, there occurrence will likely be on record and taken into consideration for the future review of atv riding opportunities.
I'm not sure why anyone here is so worked up about this. It is public land. The state owns it, and, as they work to manage it properly, they also listen to the citizens that pay taxes because, in essence, we own the land. You are able to go there and fly fish, which probably pisses off some hunter that wishes you weren't tramping through a stream during archery season.

It will be fine..let the people ride their ATV's. This isn't a huge deal. I don't see catastrophic damage occurring. As someone who takes a lot of enjoyment in backpacking, I value the many trails and long distance opportunities PA offers me. Why shouldn't an ATV rider have a similar opportunity?
I don't see the big deal. I'd rather see a 4 wheeler while I'm fishing than a centerpinner or euro nympher.