Next Swap?



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Anyone interested in another swap? I have a couple of ideas, and was wondering if there was any interest. Maybe a Scud Swap or a Sulpher one? Was tossing around an All Parachute one too. I'll host if we have enough guys and gals.

As I love fishing the Sulphur hatch, because it's the only real hatch I have ever fished, I would join it. If we do that I would like to claim a Sulphur spinner.
I'm fond of the Sulpher also, was leaning toward that one for we can realistically have the flies in time for the hatch in May.

I'd possibly be interested in a sulpher swap. I will keep an eye on this thread. I have never done a swap but think it might be pretty cool.
I am horrible at dries...but I can probably learn one or two patterns to throw in the mix...something better than my last entry...

I am in...are looking at 16-20 flies?

Boss, just gauging interest. You don't have to submit a dry fly, sulpher nymphs work very well.

Thats what I was going to say, Specified sulphur nymphs would be nice.
I would like to do a anchor/dropper fly swap or flies with a lot of weight to them we need to bring out the big boys besides they make for easy photos at the end
I would participate. Haven't tied or fished sulphers yet, but I have been planning on it for this year.
Just a FYI to possible participants...

I'll be organizing the Live Swap for the Jam in the next couple of days. Just wanted to inform everyone so if they wish to participate and doing two swaps in two months time is a little much that they can choose before they commit to one swap or the other.
Hey folks, I'm new to the forum; but have been fishing since i was little and just picked up tying again after a few years off (college).
This sounded like an awesome idea for a swap, and I'd be glad to whip up a few sulphurs if there's still room available.

Assuming we go through with this one, I was just curious about the logistics of making the swap happen. Don't mean to waste anyone's time (a PM would be fine), but I couldn't find any info on the forums. Any help would be awesome!


Jay, once we set up the swap. Everybody chooses a different pattern and ties 1 or 2 flies for each participant. you then send your flies to the designated swap master with return envelope and postage. The swap master receives all of the flies and sorts them and send the assortment back to you.
I would like to do a heavy weighted nymph swap but don't care as long as it is not a dry fly swap
I would be up for a swap. Got to many ideas for flies so anything will go...except streamers as I just don't do them (unless pushed).
I'm in for a swap. I would do either sulfurs or anchor flies.
guess I'll go in too, and I'd be up for anything short of bass bugs, I'm a little rusty on them...
Thanks for the info Becker! Count me in either way!
I'm thinking a sulpher swap, you can tie anything from a nymph to a spinner if you wish. There are plenty of emergers too. I also like the anchor flies idea, but I think we should save that one for later. I will start a new thread in the next day or two for the sulpher swap.

wsender, don't want to steal anything from your swap, but we have had several swaps going at the same time before. interested in the Live swap idea, looking forward to the thread.

I went searching for something within my ability...please put me down for the Snowshoe Emerger Sulpher...looks like something I can definately handle and looks efffective...

I will also cross post my fly when you start the new thread...
