Newbie / Rookie Fly Tier's Swap

djs12354 wrote:
-post a picture and recipe for your flies in this thread.

^^I believe this should happen in all swaps.^^
I'll do a loop wing BWO emerger, except with a better loop than what I posted the other day. For the second fly I'll do a Mercer Caddis pupa.
Guys, I am have fun just reading what you are doing. I worked with Tyger and Mic last night. They are doing some nice looking flies.
Martin I see you are from Bucks county. Where abouts? I am in Pipersville.

I have my midges done (Told you all they were an easy one) and will post pictures and bill of material when I get home. (In Ohio to do my Mom-in-Law's taxes this weekend)

Will be choosing my second fly soon. Needs to be something to make me work a little harder.

Looks like everyone is getting into the spirit of the swap!
My 2nd is gonna be the WMD Hot Spot nymph if u haven't guessed.:lol: I've been tying that cause I have no pheasant tail which I will probably pick up this week to do the frenchie.

Dj .. we doing 2 each per pattern for a total of 4 flies per participant?
Stagger. Thats 4 dozen flies per person. Maybe we should stick with one of each pattern per participant. Or each tyer ties twelve each of their chosen pattern. And a few extra for the swapmeister. Always a few extra for the guy doing the work
^agreed. This shouldnt be about numbers, dhould be about good practice with judges so to speak. I think if you onl wanna do 1 pattern, then thats all you gotta tie. And definately throw the swapmeister a bone or two.

This will be good fun.
Yeah Guys, doing more than two ties per participant might put more pressure than we would like on new tiers.

Let's put it this way - even the experienced tiers normally only do one fly per swap.

Do one pattern to swap and if you do two patterns, you are a nice guy. Since I have the midges done already, I will be doing two.

Yea guys .. last night I kinda had a Stagger moment of getting ahead of myself. :cool:

48 ties ... lol
I was going to try a March Brown Compardun yesterday, only to find out I had left two items home. I'm over in Ohio and discovered there is no fly shop within a 2 hour round trip from here.

Seems like it will have to wait until Monday for me to see if that's my second contribution.
I better stick to one pattern. Mine will be a Sipe's Latex-Stone.

Tail- brown goose biots
Abdomen- latex strip (yellow gloves)
Thorax-olive/brown/golden sparkle dubbing
Head-brass craft bead
Legs- brown goose biots
Antennae-brown goose biots (optional)
Color to preference, coat latex with Sally's or softex



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Nice dude, looks cool!
Muskrat nymph

Hook- size 12-16, 18
Gold/copper bead for hook size
Lead wire-10 or so wraps of .15 wire
Tail-muskrat guard hairs
Abdomen-muskrat underfur
Thorax/Collar-muskrat guard mixed with underfur. I cut a wad of muskrat fur from the hide, then lay flat by vise. When laid flat, should be about 1 1/2 inches long for this size 12, reduce for smaller hook size.

Place bead on hook, wrap lead on and advance thread to rear of hook. Tie in tail fibers, dub thread and create tapered body up to about two eye lengths back from bead. Split thread and add guard hair and underfur mix in split thread. Spin bobbin a good bit and tighten down on dubbing brush. Wrap collar on, pulling fibers back so not to trap them. Advance dubbing brush to bead, whip finish, and FISH!


Nice kick offs to the swap! Makes want to be triply sure that the quality of what i tie matches up to this!!
Sipe, nice looking tie man. Jim, that's a really nice tie. I do believe you've got it.
Triple threat caddis

Hook- size 12 scud hook
abdomen- hares mask, guard hairs and underfur mix
ribbing- small oval tinsel
legs- brown partridge
thorax- squirrel guard hairs and underfur mix in dubbing loop

Start thread at 1/4 shank length and tie in ribbing on near side. advance thread to middle of bend of hook and pull ribbing undershank to far side of hook. Dub a nice spikey noodle with a slight taper and dub to same tie in point (1/4 shank tie in point).
Make nice even turns of ribbing (counter rib), tie off ribbing, trim da waste...
Tie in partridge feather and make 2 full turns backwards, towards bend of hook. Your thread should be behind the feather at this point, then cut through the fibers without trapping any. Once you are in front of the partridge, take a couple jamb wraps in front of partridge to get it to lay back a wee bit.
Make a dubbing loop, or split the thread (your preference, I like split thread...) and place the super awesome spikey squirrel mix in the loop. Twist up real tight and dub a thorax, pulling the fibers back as not to trap them. whip finish, and FIIIIISH!!!

So 14 or 15 of each pattern is what we are tying. One of each pattern for each participant and a few extra for the man doing the swaping.
J55tyger88 wrote:
Triple threat caddis

Hook- size 12 scud hook
abdomen- hares mask, guard hairs and underfur mix
ribbing- small oval tinsel
legs- brown partridge
thorax- squirrel guard hairs and underfur mix in dubbing loop

Start thread at 1/4 shank length and tie in ribbing on near side. advance thread to middle of bend of hook and pull ribbing undershank to far side of hook. Dub a nice spikey noodle with a slight taper and dub to same tie in point (1/4 shank tie in point).
Make nice even turns of ribbing (counter rib), tie off ribbing, trim da waste...
Tie in partridge feather and make 2 full turns backwards, towards bend of hook. Your thread should be behind the feather at this point, then cut through the fibers without trapping any. Once you are in front of the partridge, take a couple jamb wraps in front of partridge to get it to lay back a wee bit.
Make a dubbing loop, or split the thread (your preference, I like split thread...) and place the super awesome spikey squirrel mix in the loop. Twist up real tight and dub a thorax, pulling the fibers back as not to trap them. whip finish, and FIIIIISH!!!


Nice job Tyger!

That triple threat is a really great looking pattern. A couple of very minor tweaks to it would make a great March Brown Emerger pattern. Very nice tie!