Newbie / Rookie Fly Tier's Swap



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
After some discussion, Stagger Lee and I thought it would be a good idea to have a fly swap just for us Newbie/Rookie tiers. We floated the question on the Fly Tying Forum and it sounds like we have more than enough interest to go ahead and kick this off.

In order to minimize the pressure anyone might feel regarding the quality of their efforts, we will leave it open to your choice of flies to offer up for the swap.

For example, I will tie a Bead head Chartreuse Midge and another fly to be determined yet. Basically, I’m confident in the midge and I can knock them out. The other fly, we’ll wait and see. :)

So, here we go.......

First 12 Rookies to sign up are in

-You will tie 1 or 2 flies for each person in the swap

-Deadline to get the flies done is April 21
-include SASE with your flies
-post a picture and recipe for your flies in this thread.

Newbies that have signed up from the test the waters thread:

1. J55tyger88
2. Stagger Lee
3. DJS12354
4. Rolf
5. Mic
6. PhiendWMD
7. Sipe
8. Martin0206
9. PAGeologist

After we have our group set, I’ll PM my address to everyone.
Delta Dog made the suggestion that you mail your flies in a tin such as those Altoid mints come in.
Please label your tin with your name to make it easier to keep track of which container belongs to who. I’d also recommend using a padded shipping envelope.

Let’s have some fun with this!
I will be tying a Frenchie pattern for u gents and another to be determined cause I'm with dave ... wait and see!
Updated List:

1. J55tyger88
2. Stagger Lee
3. DJS12354
4. Rolf
5. Mic
6. PhiendWMD
7. Sipe
8. Martin0206
9. PAGeologist
10. Pro4rmance
I'm gonna do a dry and a streamer. An olive woolly bugger and maybe a sulphur comparadun.
I'm tying a muskrat nymph and a hares ear wet for you lads. Should be good fun. Any thoughts on anybody meeting up to fish and receive our flies?
Meet up sounds like I great idea. Little Lehigh has worked for a lot of gatherings.

How far apart are we, geographically? I'm in NEPA, about 90 minutes from the LL.
If we are all closer to another stream, that's fine too. Im 10-15 min from LL and Saucon...Just thinking it would be cool to meet up and apply our vise time and others to some fish to hand with each others flies.
J55tyger88 wrote:
If we are all closer to another stream, that's fine too. Im 10-15 min from LL and Saucon...Just thinking it would be cool to meet up and apply our vise time and others to some fish to hand with each others flies.

I'd be down with that. If nothing else, we could do the swap via mail and then meet up at the Newbie Brush Up day.

Chime in folks, whatta ya think?
Oh yeah I forgot about the brush up day. That was in May right? Im just trying to think of ways to get everyone out to do some fishing. I know I can learn from everybody, and I'm pretty sure others could learn from what NOT to do on the stream haha.
If enough notice I could meet up on the LL for some fishin fyi brush up may be arnd end of april as in the past ...

We should leave both options for all involved.
Well regardless of Brush up day, or newb tiers swap meet up day, Im down for fishing those streams whenever...Do we post our pics of our ties and recipes to this thread?
I’m a REALLY bad tyer so I’ll be doing soft hackles. Besides, I fish these things a lot and they seem to work.
I'll jump in if theres room. How about a halfback nymph and a pink squirrel.

Id be in for a meet up too. Im in sw pa.
Latest Update:
Updated List:

1. J55tyger88
2. Stagger Lee
3. DJS12354
4. Rolf
5. Mic
6. PhiendWMD
7. Sipe
8. Martin0206
9. PAGeologist
10. Pro4rmance
11. Miltidaes

Where are you RCFETTER??????
What is our cutoff gonna be? 12, 14 something like that?
I'll do a flashback pheasant tail. I'm also comfortable with a soft hackle of some sort, dry midges, or some sort of dry caddis. Any thoughts for my second fly to keep a variety? I'm up for suggestions for both flies so we get a variety.
How about tan elk hair caddis. It will catch fish anywhere.
I'm up for tying tan elk hair caddis for one fly. I will make the other the flashback pheasant tail unless someone has a better idea.
Let's go with 12, mainly because I don't want anyone to feel more pressure by having to produce too many flies.

J55tyger88 wrote:
What is our cutoff gonna be? 12, 14 something like that?
I changed my flies. Gonna do a triple threat caddis and a muskrat nymph.