new tier



Apr 11, 2010
just looking for some good criticism. i started tying in january and am starting to feel pretty confident. my skills are getting better but im still pretty slow. haha. heres a pic of some i tied tonight since i picked up some midge and emerger hooks today.

i apologize if the quality isn't good enough but the midges are obvious. the one on the upper left is a cdc bubble emerger. i don't know if i could use it for caddis or baetis if you have an answer. it's a size 16.
nevermind. i can't attach the pic. it's over 1000 kb. mods feel free to delete me. unless someone can tell me how to get it on here.
i dont know if this is the best meathod to use, but when it did that to me i opened the picture with microsoft paint and then hit control W for resize/skew and size the image down, save and try that.


  • Picture 012.jpg
    Picture 012.jpg
    111.4 KB · Views: 4
Check the box that says keep aspect ratio and resize by persentage. My pics are around 5MB, 47percent will get them under 1MB. Don't resize origanal if you are going to keep it,do it to a copy, it will lower quality.
Hi Hammer - Only thing I can offer you is to keep the tails on that olive biot dry about the length of the hook shank. That's just a rule of thumb that applies to most dry flies.

Every one of those flies looks well tied, and they'll catch fish for sure. Nice job!
I think one of the most important things to remember about tying is to have confidence in your work. At first your flys wont be the best ( not saying yours are not good). But a year from now your going to look back on your earlier work and be disgusted, I know I was. But really, you will probably catch as many fish with the flys you tie now as the flys you tie a year from now. Fish are not that picky, though they can be. Alot of what we do as tiers are for our own egos, we like pretty flies, trout dont care so much. No trout is going to refuse your fly cause you crowded the hook. Proportion is important, master that and everything else will come with time.