New Little Juniata Postings.

Hate their waffles.
I seen a couple cars parked at the gate over the weekend, I don't know who they were, but please just respect the signs for the time being, the local managers may not care about fisherman and may not enforce it, but its still disrespectful, let alone illegal to trespass.
The chances are fairly decent the ljra will work something out with NE, so just park somewhere else and wade in for the time being.
newsal, you beat me to it. I was going to write the exact same post. One car had NY plates. It very well be people who are unaware of the situation.
I'll add one more request. I saw a truck parked at the pullout near the Junkyard, near the intersection of shovel works road. The owner put up signs posting this area. May be technically she cannot post that small area because it carries a DOT or township easement (may be, I don't know). Or she has allowed a few people to access her land, this person might be one of them. We are close to having her remove the posted signs along her property. Let's not **** her off and reverse this trend.
An update on the meeting with NE is posted on the LJRA website
nymphingmaniac wrote:
An update on the meeting with NE is posted on the LJRA website

Here is the update posted on the LJRA site:

DECEMBER 5, 2017
New Enterprise update

President Bill Anderson met with the person in charge of land management for New Enterprise today. She was attentive and receptive to ideas to increase angler access to the J, including fishing easements and land transfers. She will present our ideas to the company soon. Conversations will continue. We should not expect immediate resolution, but the response from NE today was encouraging. In the meantime, it is important that we honor the postings and not trespassing on their land.

Link to source:
Yo NewSa

With possible trespassers, I would have scribbled a note letting the car drivers know of the issue and added a reference to this site so they could apprise themselves of the situation. I also would have taken a pic of the car and its license plate. I tend to spread the word when I think it would be beneficial.

Hope Bill and the LJRA can get this resolved. If anyone can, it is Bill. He and the LJRA have worked hard to maintain public access in many ways.
lestrout wrote:
Yo NewSa

With possible trespassers, I would have scribbled a note letting the car drivers know of the issue and added a reference to this site so they could apprise themselves of the situation. I also would have taken a pic of the car and its license plate. I tend to spread the word when I think it would be beneficial.

There's a chance that people parking there to fish are not trespassing. Though there is some brush, you can drop down over the bank there to the RR tracks and then down over another brushy bank to the stream. Of course, crossing the RR tracks is also trespassing, but at least that's not NESL property.
"I was just holding this fishing spot for a friend officer."
DriftingDunn wrote:
lestrout wrote:
Yo NewSa

With possible trespassers, I would have scribbled a note letting the car drivers know of the issue and added a reference to this site so they could apprise themselves of the situation. I also would have taken a pic of the car and its license plate. I tend to spread the word when I think it would be beneficial.

There's a chance that people parking there to fish are not trespassing. Though there is some brush, you can drop down over the bank there to the RR tracks and then down over another brushy bank to the stream. Of course, crossing the RR tracks is also trespassing, but at least that's not NESL property.

They are trespassing just by parking there. The parking area before the gate is still limestone road, and still owned by NE.

Besides that, parking there to go down that steep bank, cross the tracks, then down another steep bank is ridiculous, if you are to do that you need your head thoroughly examined. You can much easier park past babe road bridge and wade into the same exact area you would get by sliding down that bank.
NewSal wrote:
DriftingDunn wrote:
lestrout wrote:
Yo NewSa

With possible trespassers, I would have scribbled a note letting the car drivers know of the issue and added a reference to this site so they could apprise themselves of the situation. I also would have taken a pic of the car and its license plate. I tend to spread the word when I think it would be beneficial.

There's a chance that people parking there to fish are not trespassing. Though there is some brush, you can drop down over the bank there to the RR tracks and then down over another brushy bank to the stream. Of course, crossing the RR tracks is also trespassing, but at least that's not NESL property.

They are trespassing just by parking there. The parking area before the gate is still limestone road, and still owned by NE.

Besides that, parking there to go down that steep bank, cross the tracks, then down another steep bank is ridiculous, if you are to do that you need your head thoroughly examined. You can much easier park past babe road bridge and wade into the same exact area you would get by sliding down that bank.

If they are trespassing just by parking there then NESL needs to post it as such.

I've parked there many times and walked down over the step bank through the brush to the stream. Since I'm a physician I guess maybe I should examine my own head?


I've parked there many times and walked down over the step bank through the brush to the stream. Since I'm a physician I guess maybe I should examine my own head?[/quote]

Hey man, do as you wish, some guys just like to take the hard way
I've accessed this stretch of water at the beginning of limestone rd by going down the steep bank, over the tracks, and down again to the stream as driftingdunn describes, and imo it's not a bad of a way to go if you intend to fish downstream to the bridge and then walk back up the road to the car. It's just a shorter walk to get to where you start fishing. Of course now you can't to do that loop, and walking back up that hill I think would be pretty tough.
Babe road and down is the other option for right now as newsal mentioned, but from what I've found you either have to: 1) wade the shoenberger pool from there downstream quite a ways to the island, which can be treacherous if the water is higher (like above 300) or has color because of all the limestone bedrock, moderate current and deep areas along the banks. 2) navigate the thick brush on the bank to avoid wading most of that pool, which isn't too fun either in my experience. Also, having to walk back from down by the bridge back to the car when it's dark (if you are fishing sulphurs for example) is pretty undesirable imo. Maybe there is a trail through there by now but I don't know.
Either way, as most people mentioned, I think the best idea is to just steer clear of parking near their property and just try to stay in the river if you access from babe rd and down, junkyard trestle and up, or other way that I'm not familiar with until the situation is resolved.
I know its not the Little J but its not the only water that has been affected by this. Cove Creek in Bedford County also lost a section of stream at the NE plant, they posted it sometime last year.
CRB wrote:
Any new word?

I get emails from the LJRA every month.
And the last one received said that there will be an announcement about this at the upcoming meeting on Feb 8
As not to build false expectations: an update on the LJRA activities will be given at the meeting. No announcement per se. Things are progressing and the LJRA has been busy. Too many balls in the air yet for an announcement and premature, incorrect information can hurt progress.
still ongoing. It's a complicated process. It is not as simple as getting NEL to reverse their decision. It will require a land transfer or lease. Once an agreement is made it will be announced.

Get the old stealth craft out boys.