New Flies just off the vise

Rufus the stunt bum. Man bum fights was awesome.

I'm glad you looked at my blog. You obliviously dont know the difference between a brown trout and a brook trout. Seeing that 97% of my blog pics are of BROWN trout. But that's ok, you also think that a fish that's hatched in a hatchery is wild. And its very clear you dont appreciate fly fishing in its whole.

Tie a complicated fly and get back to you. Now that's comical. You obviously dont follow K.I.S.S.. Also your misspelling of commercial when your a retailer of sorts is quite comical as well. You crack me up. Thanks for all the laughs.

You dont sell san juan worms? That's silly. Your missing out. Stupid simple to tie, takes less than a minute and material is cheap. And they sell like hot cakes. When commercial tying, the best profits come from less time and materials. Plus they work wonderfully on those stocked rainbows you like to catch.

P.s. That's the infamous pink worm. Get it right. It was developed in pa not nm. Do know the name Fred Bridges? I figured a pa fly tier would know and recognize that. And these are extremely deadly on those lake run stocked rainbows your so fond of catching.

Everybody knows that rainbows are the easiest of all trout to catch. Why do you think the states stock so many all the time??? Its so fellows like yourself can feel great, and justified. Its good to see in the flesh, so to say, results of this process.

Leteras wrote:
Johnny Utah you spam garbage pink san juan worms. Tie a complicated fly and get back to me. I have seen your blog its quite comical. So your a comercial tier of san juan worms. What goes into those chenille and thread? Lol
Dude you really need to figure out the difference between "your" and "you're".
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Dude you really need to figure out the difference between "your" and "you're".

Lol what can i say.... I do that often lol
Well Johnny Utah I don't tie san juan worms because I don't waste my time on flies that don't work. By the way you tying pink chenille on a hook and calling it infamous shows that you are a world class tier I would even go as far as saying that you are a master craftsman. lol Give me a break I know the difference between a brown trout and a brook trout beacuae I probably have caught more of them than you. By the way snagging your fish dosen't count. I hear your the great snagger. "FISH ON" Like I said when you get some talent and tie up a real fly talk to me then.
Leteras wrote:
Well Johnny Utah I don't tie san juan worms because I don't waste my time on flies that don't work. By the way you tying pink chenille on a hook and calling it infamous shows that you are a world class tier I would even go as far as saying that you are a master craftsman. lol Give me a break I know the difference between a brown trout and a steelhead beacuae I probably have caught more of them than you. By the way snagging your fish dosen't count. I hear your the great snagger. "FISH ON" Like I said when you get some talent and tie up a real fly talk to me then.

How old are you? As far as i can tell your maybe 13? lol Dont work.... well im sure hundreds upon thousands will disagree with you there. I didn't name the pattern infamous. That's the patterns name. Ah there's no point in reasoning with you, or trying to help you out. Your still the same person you were on the fly tying forum. Here's a real simple fly for you. It will catch you lots of those dumb rainbows your so fond of. lol

You both are retarded, and you're giving a bad name to the mentally handicap.
Johnny Utah since you like to tie cheap flies and make cents on them maybe you could work in my sweat shop sewing soccer balls or sewing underwear together. I'll pay you $.5 a week. Isn't that your wage? lol By the way I know how to tie chenille and thread on a hook. It appears that you needed a you tube video to show you that. I guess when I tie up a sucker spawn I should call it infamous to make it catch fish better. lol
Leteras wrote:
Johnny Utah since you like to tie cheap flies and make cents on them maybe you could work in my sweat shop sewing soccer balls or sewing underwear together. I'll pay you $.5 a week. Isn't that your wage? lol By the way I know how to tie chenille and thread on a hook. It appears that you needed a you tube video to show you that. I guess when I tie up a sucker spawn I should call it infamous to make it catch fish better. lol

Wow. Your ignorance is mind boggling. lol
How old are you 4? Thats what your flies look like. It looks like a 4 year old tied them. I'll give you a gold star and a cookie. Good job Johnny. lol
reading leterass trying to call out people on the lack of tying skills is mind boggling... i feel that everything he's said, someone else said about him earlier in this thread

and yes he was asked to leave FlyTyingForum for his spam... and was also booted off fisherie
Leteras wrote:
I don't tie san juan worms because I don't waste my time on flies that don't work. By the way you tying pink chenille on a hook and calling it infamous shows that you are a world class tier I would even go as far as saying that you are a master craftsman. lol Give me a break

Leteras wrote:
I go through about 10,000 hooks a year. So you could say that I tie a little bit. I think I may know a little about tying flies.

Leteras wrote:
Tie a complicated fly and get back to me. So your a comercial tier of san juan worms. What goes into those chenille and thread?

Does anybody else see the irony here?
Leteras, you are a joke. Keep up the entertainment, please...
I'm simply boggled at how the San Juan Worm got thrown into this battle. Simple and easy-for sure. Effective? Hell yeah!
I can see a PAFLYFISH fight club forming! HA!
Ramcatt is cheerleader. Why don't you go do your boyfriend's nails. lol
I don't doubt that san juans have their place just as sucker spawns and crystal meth have theirs. They work to a point. If you fish highly pressured waters where the fish get pounded day in and day out you need to change it up and throw a little variety in to get better results.
If you fish highly pressured waters where the fish get pounded day in and day out you need to change it up and throw a little variety in to get better results.

I agree.

I don't doubt that san juans have their place just as sucker spawns and crystal meth have theirs. They work to a point.

I agree.

Put them together:

I don't doubt that san juans have their place just as sucker spawns and crystal meth have theirs. They work to a point. If you fish highly pressured waters where the fish get pounded day in and day out you need to change it up and throw a little variety in to get better results.

I disagree. San Juan worms work great in the Classic Limestoners in SEPA and SCPA. These waters have seen tons of pressure and have some of the worlds most "picky" fish. San Juan worms can imitate a wide variety of aquatic worms, including but not limited to midge larva. So why do these "picky" fish take San Juan worms? The answer is two fold. One they imitate something that is rather abundant in those streams. Two NO ONE REALLY USES THEM. Many FFer's feel they are beneath them or "junk flies".

I recommend pink and red. They work great.

If you fish highly pressured waters where the fish get pounded day in and day out you need to change it up and throw a little variety in to get better results.

Is this why you tie 100,000 variations of the same caddis? ;-)

Oh and....

Some of you guys need to stop with the nonsense. If you want to pick on each other and carry on like a bunch of school girls take it somewhere else. If you want to have constructive conversations about fly fishing please by all means post away. The site guidelines are pretty clear and not up for negotiation.
